Abayas should be pure and simple
It was disappointing to read the article on fashionable abayas ("Fashionable twist to tradition", Tabloid, Gulf News, June 1).

It seems people are beginning to mix culture with faith and, in the process, destroying both.

The abaya is a symbol of modesty. It is meant to cover and protect a woman so that her charms and beauty are veiled from strangers.

Decorating and adorning them defeats the very purpose they were meant to serve.

It seems people are missing the point when they spend thousands of dirhams for the newest, most fashionable abaya. The abaya is supposed to be pure and simple.
From Ms R. Khalid

Arrest traffic tsunami
The idea of constructing a floating bridge, albeit novel in Dubai, does not focus on the core problem ("Dh81.5m floating bridge to be ready in March", Gulf News, May 30).

The challenge in Dubai and for that matter the UAE is to control traffic, not to provide more space for it to grow.

The only time-tested and proven way to arrest the traffic tsunami is to concentrate on alternate public transportation modes.

An effective and well-connected public transport system will bring down the number of cars on roads.

Also, people should be encouraged to share cars.
From Mr P.M.I. Ahmad

Hope floats
A floating or a flying bridge - anything is welcome as long as it helps ease traffic congestion.

The news is music to the ears of thousands, who dread the daily torment of wasting hours on roads. I pray this project achieves what it is designed for.

Kudos to the creative minds who thought of it. May such creative solutions bloom forth in plenty to make life easier here.
From Ms A. Roby

Cause for concern
Thank you for the excellent editorial on inflation ("Inflation presents tough proposition", Gulf News, May 31).

The article should have been published on the front page. The authorities should be aware that the surplus liquidity sloshing about is in the hands of very few.

Therefore, the across-the-board increase in prices is an issue which must be addressed urgently. A 30 per cent increase in the rent of a luxury villa is understandable.

But a 30 per cent increase in rents in an area where working-class people live is not justified. This is what the authorities should
focus on.
From Mr M. Malas

Save the salaried class
Rents in Dubai are now so high that it's nearly impossible even for a reasonably well-paid person to afford decent accommodation.

To a great extent, intermediaries are responsible for this awful state of affairs.

A closer look reveals the rent market is dominated by a few unscrupulous elements who are making profits at the cost of others.

These petty shylocks lease flats and villas, and sub-lease them to several people to make profits.

Neither the landlords nor the tenants benefit from this situation. I request the authorities to save the salaried class from the clutches of these ruthless intermediaries.
From Mr S. Pillai

Rising fees
A reputed ICSE-curriculum school in Dubai recently increased its fees by 20 per cent. Just before the hike, my children moved from middle school to senior school and the promotion came with a hike in fees.

The school has now sent a circular saying the 20 per cent hike was insufficient to cover costs and that there could be an additional increase which, if approved, will be effective April 2006.

That would make it a 20 per cent increase, an increase in fees between grades as well as an additional increase subject to approval.

Surely the Ministry of Education has some say in this matter?
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Tough exam
I am a student of grade 12 and have just finished my pre-semester exams. Our maths teacher had made the exam so tough that most students were left clueless.

Even other teachers found it difficult to answer the questions. The reason: many students had stopped going to the maths teacher for private tuition.

I think he wanted to show that if we go to him for tuition we would be able to answer the questions.
From A Reader
Abu Dhabi
Name withheld by request

Elitist view
Apropos the news item "Getting rid of old cars will improve country's image" (Gulf News, May 27). The recommendation to get rid of cars over 15 years old sounds elitist to me.

If a vehicle passes emissions tests, what difference does it make how old the car is?

As for image, that's an elitist view. If a poor person keeps his old car in good condition, why should others bother? Does everything have to do with boosting the economy?

I'm from the US, where environmental concern is the top priority. Getting rid of old cars isn't the answer.

Emissions tests take care of that.
From Mr M. Nubee

Old is gold
I'm driving a 1987 Mercedes. I have always maintained my car well. And in many ways, my car is better than a lot of new cars.

How are they going to decide which is an old car and which is not? Does all the money I spent on maintenance turn out to be a loss?
From Mr Cornelis
Via e-mail

Emissions tests
Any car that is not maintained well will cause pollution. It doesn't matter if it is new or old.

So why single out cars more than 15 years old which may be in good condition and have passed emissions tests?

What is the use of having emissions tests prior to renewal of car registration?
From Mr R. Oracion
Abu Dhabi

Careful with words
I refer to the news item "Dubai police refuse to confirm whether British boy is in custody" (Gulf News, May 29).

Dubai Police personnel should be more careful about what they say. If underage drinking, driving dangerously and shooting air rifles are "very normal incidents" then Dubai is not the "safe" place it is said to be.

As a British national, I am disgusted this boy has brought into Dubai the yobbish behaviour that many of us left the UK to get away from.

He deserves to have the book thrown at him.
From Mr A.C.
Full name withheld by request

Need an alternative
My husband is a cricket freak and has been playing since 1988. Every morning, from 6am to 8am, he practises with an equally passionate group of people (aged 15 to 55) on the Al Jadaf grounds.

Now the grounds have ceased to exist. My only question is, will the authorities ever take away the football grounds without providing alternatives?
From A Reader
Name withheld by request