Another price hike!
If Indian eggs are banned in the UAE, why do the prices of eggs from other countries have to be increased ("Egg prices to soar after India poultry ban", Gulf News, August 1)?

We will not be able to obtain the eggs from India, that's all. However, the production of eggs from other countries including the UAE will remain the same as before.

Are they going to add any extra flavour in order to justify the price increase? The Indian eggs' supplier will be on the losing side; this happens in business.

Therefore, please don't increase the price; we are all already burdened with high living costs!
From Mr Satish Kumar Soman

The longest legal battle in the history of India closed its chapter after 14 long years ("Dutt's jail term 'shows fair trial'", Gulf News, August 1).

As some of the men accused in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts are still at large, the final verdict for popular personality Sanjay Dutt has proved that India preserves the dignity of legal values.

It doesn't worry about the image of the accused as far as legal matters are concerned.

The verdict may devastate fans, but would definitely heal the wounds of those who fell victim to 'Black Friday'.
From Mr Sadiq
Full name withheld by request

Fair play
The judgement was fair. When we like a person and he commits a crime, we want to ignore it. I am a fan of Bollywood and particularly Sanjay Dutt.

Knowingly or unknowingly he was involved in the 1993 Mumbai case. Even though it was proved that he is not a terrorist, Dutt's greatest mistake was keeping the arms.

The law only needs proof, even if a person is a terrorist or innocent. The judge has given the judgement in the correct manner.
From Mr K. Ragavan
Gulf News Reader's Club member

One question
To all the people who mourn and plead for Sanjay Dutt, I have one question: Whether he was involved or not, whether he's a great actor, human being or not, would you have felt the same way if any of your loved ones had died in the bomb blasts?

Had the courts acquitted him it would have been a mockery of our judiciary, a mockery of all the soldiers who died at the borders fighting for our country.

The law has been fair. I'm sorry for Sanjay and hope God gives him the grace to accept the punishment with dignity.
From Ms Raybeena
Full name withheld by request

Elephants banned
It was a good decision to ban elephants from Mumbai's roads ("It's a cruel world out there - for jumbos", Gulf News, July 31).

An elephant's foot is very tender and has sensitive skin. It makes it difficult for them to walk on tar roads, especially during summer when the temperature rises and the heated tar becomes unbearable for them.

At such times these elephants are made to walk on them.

Also, noise pollution, which is not something elephants are familiar with, sometimes irritates them, and it can be fatal if they happen to go berserk.
From Mr Tonmoy Barooa

Follow Mumbai
The decision by the government to ban elephants from Mumbai is definitely a welcome move. I hope that other governments will take a leaf out of this benevolent action and follow them.

The recent incidents of elephant rage and consequent loss of human life have opened our eyes to the tremendous stress that these normally gentle creatures are subjected to as a result of large unruly crowds and traffic.

It's time to take a look at such old customs, which are not in the best interest of man or beast.
From Mr Suresh Warrier

How could they?
No apology to Dr Mohammad Haneef, says the Australian prime minister ("Australia refuses to apologise to Haneef", Gulf News, July 31).

How can they - the government - hold someone for a month and find that they had made a mistake, and then not apologise?
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Thanks, RTA
Whilst we are prompt to cry aloud about the snarling traffic jams, which hit us on a daily basis, we should applaud the Roads and Transport Authority.

The entire team is working tirelessly to ease the traffic flow in different parts of the city.

The authorities do, indeed, deserve a round of applause. I thank them for putting a new signal and giving a new sense of direction on Al Maktoum Street.
From Mr S. Abraham

What are Gulf News readers supposed to make of this ("Abbas is on the wrong way" by Manal Alafrangi and "Why is Bush wooing the Arab world?", by Linda Heard, Gulf News, July 31)?

You allow articles criticising Fatah's leader Abbas, while trumpeting that "countless bodies" are strewn on the streets on a daily basis.

Alafrangi claims that Palestinians are "starving" and their elected leaders - Hamas - are doing what? Needless to say the two writers are using this medium in a despicable manner.
From Mr G. H.
Full name withheld by request

The basics
It is a disappointment that many drivers are concerned with flashing traffic lights and countdown timers at intersections ("Your Turn", Gulf News, July 30).

Surely green means proceed, amber means proceed with caution and red means stop.

How can this be so complicated that traffic lights need additional aids? Did we not all learn these basics when we took driving lessons?

My thanks to the Roads and Transport Authority and police for their excellent work and patience with the public.
From Mr J. Swart