TAB STAR aquarius 21-1581861226962


Aries March 20 – April 18

In early January, your ruler Mars moved into the restless Sagittarius, triggering a cycle of questioning and exploration. While you’ve learnt a lot, often decisions had to wait. Now, finally, with Mars accenting plans, short term and long range, it’s not only time to make those changes, some of them may be urgent.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

By no means are you a control freak. On the other hand, you can’t bear it when others make plans that will clearly end in problems, if not disaster. As always, you’ve expressed your concern and, as often occurs, you’ve been ignored. The solution? Back off and focus on something else entirely.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

It’s often said that planning ahead is a virtue. But as an inquisitive Gemini, the ideas you encounter and who you meet on the way to fulfilling those plans can mean they’re rethought, often more than once. And now, with your ruler Mercury retrograde until 10 March, those changes are all the more likely.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Although you aren’t thrilled about the idea of an uncompromising clash regarding one particular matter, there’s been frustratingly little progress in dealing with this. Now that forthright Mars has moved to accent the necessary discussions, things will both move swiftly and be so frank that an unarguable, and realistic, conclusion will surface immediately.

Leo July 22 – August 21

As you begin the week, the odds are good you’re still thinking about the dramas, and the resulting insights, triggered by the emotionally intense Leo Full Moon, on Sunday the 9th. While you’ll continue to reflect on some, you’ll also be focusing on certain sudden, unsettling but exciting events over the coming days.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

True, many moan about the confusion and difficulties triggered by the retrograde Mercury. However, because it’s your ruling planet, often those errors turn into informative discussions. Even more, because it’s currently accenting close relationships, you suddenly find you’re able to undo, if not end, issues as complex as they’ve been persistent.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Certain tricky individuals have decided they’re being treated badly and are seeking sympathy. Actually, this is nothing new. They complain a lot. While nobody’s better at defusing even the most complicated of situations, these really aren’t your problem. Back off, discreetly, and leave them to those whose responsibility these are.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

While you haven’t exactly deceived certain individuals, at one point it seemed best to sidestep mentioning certain facts. While that was wise at the time, recent developments demand serious discussion which, inevitably, involves the matters in question. Raise them now. Others won’t be surprised. They actually know far more than you think.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Dull as the practical, business or financial matters you’re facing may be, there’s no avoiding them. While nobody would blame you for trying to find a way to put them off or a shortcut to getting these dealt with, that isn’t possible. Besides, what you learn in the process could be life-changing.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Every sign is influenced by the move by Mars, the planet of action and courage, into a new position. However, because its move was into Capricorn and it remains there until the end of March, you’ll suddenly have a new conviction about what you want to do, and even more, what you can do.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

It’s unlike you to sidestep confrontations, mostly because generally both your thinking and facts are clear, so you’re confident of a good outcome. Now, however, you’re dealing with so many uncertainties that you’ve no idea what to say. Neither does anybody else, which means there’s no need for concern.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

True, every sign is influenced by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which has just begun. However, because it’s positioned in Pisces, many of the typical mistakes could be as informative as, initially, they are irritating. The secret is to do more than untangle those errors and, instead, discover how they occurred in the first place.


Although every sign if influenced by the communication planet Mercury going retrograde, and triggering a cycle during which mix-ups are likely, the fact it takes place on your birthday points to an adventurous period. While you, too, will face those errors, they’ll be as informative as they’ll be disruptive. The trick? It’s to make a point of asking questions, seeking facts and, especially, chatting with others for the sheer joy of it. What emerges from these experiences and encounters will be illuminating if not life-changing.


Aries March 20 – April 18

As an Aries, you rarely worry when standing up for what you believe in or plans you regard as worthwhile. However, with ideas planet Mercury retrograde, it’s worth double-checking your facts before you turn ideas into plans or seek others’ support. Do that, and you’ll avoid last minute, and therefore time consuming, surprises.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

There is no easy way to tell somebody they’re wrong, especially when the issue isn’t really the matter in question but their ego. What you can do is, first, outline your concerns, maybe even writing them down. Only once that’s done should you consider discussing them with the individual in question.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Occasionally, the simple act of making plans turns into a battle, mostly regarding how detailed they should be. While others are anxious about being too precise, then getting things wrong, being a Gemini, you expected changes so have no problem dealing with them. Acknowledging this difference will make everything else a lot easier.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

The fact is, you’ve been lying to yourself about one particularly tricky issue and, as a result, been less than honest with others about it. As a result, you’ve avoided even mentioning it. Discuss this now, beginning with an apology. Then fill everybody in on the details. It will be amazingly quick and easy.

Leo July 22 – August 21

By no means do you mind talking things over. It’s just that often certain individuals get so involved in discussing the matters in question that nothing gets done. Tempting as it is to force the issue, and get things going, with Mercury retrograde and triggering confusion, you’re better off taking things slowly.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

With the dynamic, if not impatient Mars and your ruler Mercury both positioned in the portion of your chart that accents close alliances, from family to romantic ties, discussions aren’t just important, they could resolve persistent issues. This won’t be easy, but the results will more than justify the patience required.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Usually, you’re able to find a way to handle both practical difficulties and, even more, the unpredictable moods of certain individuals. While, ordinarily, you manage this without having to confront anybody, at the moment you have no choice. Actually, you’re better off stating the facts, clearly and in an uncompromising manner.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Although many find all sorts of reasons to complain about the influence of the retrograde Mercury, one distinct virtue is that it’s easy to uncover deceptions, recent but also those that go back ages way. At long last, you’ll be able to confirm your suspicions certain individuals were economical with the truth.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Seeking the advice of others is often a last resort for you, mostly because their approach to what should be simple matters is far too complicated or time-consuming. While, ordinarily, you’d be wise to avoid their suggestions, at the moment this is exactly the right advice. Those details aren’t just important, they’re crucial.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

In late December, the Capricorn eclipsed New Moon kick-started a cycle of change, growth and unexpected events. While the direction some are going is clear, others remain confusing if not a bit worrying. Actually, that’s good, because this means events are taking you into unfamiliar territory and, therefore, leading to breakthroughs.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

By no means are you a control freak. In fact, you enjoy being with those who’re not only well informed, they’re in a position to offer you advice. At the moment, not only is this characteristic appealing, you’re dealing with a range of situations so perplexing you really do need others’ guidance.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

If you feel a sense of change and, in fact, you’re preparing for a fresh start, that’s accurate. While the Pisces New Moon doesn’t actually take place until Sunday the 23rd, you’ll already sense that it’s time to say farewell to certain arrangements and, as important, invest serious time in exploring alternatives.


The theme in your birthday chart is putting yourself first. Mostly, you do. However, the focus is on those few areas of your life you either regard as something that will never work or, which, you’re anxious about pursuing. The message is to take advantage of an offer, to ask others for help or even be just plain pushy. Whatever it takes to overcome that initial obstacle, do it and, to your surprise, and relief, the rest will be easy, if not sheer magic.


Aries March 20 – April 18

It would be no surprise if certain existing arrangements and, equally, plans you’re discussing are interesting but lack the kind of excitement you thrive on. Still, since there’s no avoiding these, you’re urged to tackle them soon, and in the detail required. That, too, may be tedious but as you’ll discover, it’s vital.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

As a Taurus, you have a strong constitution. Still, you need breaks and, when you can, to rest properly. At the moment, that’s easier said than done. However, if you can’t escape and truly relax, you can disappear for long enough that at minimum, you’re able to restore your sense of wellbeing.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

While, obviously, honesty is a virtue, that doesn’t mean it’s wise to speak your mind about already contentious issues. True, some need to be discussed frankly, which means compromise really isn’t possible. But others are less crucial. This which means that, for now anyway, you can either sidestep details or avoid them entirely.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

The last thing you want to do is upset anybody. Yet if you’re going to cut through the half-truths that are preventing frank discussion of increasingly tricky issues, a certain amount of drama is inevitable. Actually, others will be so relieved that everybody’ being frank, they’ll focus entirely on their feelings of relief.

Leo July 22 – August 21

When you’re inspired by an idea or inspired by the potential outcome, you tend to sidestep either pointless details or those that can be dealt with later. While, mostly, that approach works, at the moment it’s likely to lead to serious complications. Tackle those details the moment they arise. You won’t regret it.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Few signs are adept as you are at spotting a worthwhile idea or exciting opportunity. However, you sometimes investigate so thoroughly that by the time you decide it’s worth pursuing, it’s too late. Out of character as plunging in may be, it’s the best way to both gather facts and ensure it doesn’t vanish.

Libra September 22 – October 21

The communication planet Mercury is retrograde until 10 March. While there’s a tendency to blame every unexpected event or problem on it, judging by the tricky aspects involving your ruler Venus, you’ll be facing a range of personal, and as yet resolved, issues of your own. These are far more urgent.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

This is one of those complex periods during which listening carefully to what others say could be more informative than getting answers to what seem to be pressing questions. True, this means allowing conversations to wander, possibly in a seemingly pointless direction. Soon, however, you’ll realise how crucial what’s being discussed is.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Last Sunday, the courageous Mars moved to join practical Saturn, the uncompromising Pluto and your own ruling planet Jupiter in the part of your chart that accents life’s practicalities. While what you’re dealing with may be dull, you’ll profit from it, and in amazing ways. That justifies being bored while you tackle this.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

As an earth sign, and somebody ruled by the cautious Saturn, you rarely make changes without reflecting on the past and, especially, similar circumstances. Usually, that’s wise. But at the moment it could actually prevent you from taking advantage of ideas or offers so new they’ve no connection whatsoever with the past.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Ordinarily, you’re confident enough about your capacity for decision making that, other than for practical reasons, you rarely seek others’ guidance. Now, however, you’re in new and very unfamiliar territory. And, wisely, you’re looking for somebody who’s not only knowledgeable enough to give that guidance, but where necessary, will challenge your thinking.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Usually, when somebody needs help, you’ll be there with both ideas and, if necessary, ready to lend a hand. Now, however, your instincts are telling you that the problems of one particular individual are theirs, and theirs alone, to deal with. Ideally, you’ll steer clear until they’ve dealt with things themselves.


Good fortune sometimes appears as exactly that, an idea or offer that’s as thrilling as it is uncomplicated. Yet, bizarrely, certain well-meaning individuals will begin asking questions about the arrangements or individuals involved, insisting they’ve your welfare in mind. Actually, they’re undermining your enthusiasm. Ignore that so-called advice aware that things are as spectacular as they seem, and if a problem requires your attention, you’re capable of spotting it yourself. The rest? It will be fantastic.


Aries March 20 – April 18

The powerful and positive link between your ruler Mars and Uranus, planet of the unexpected, indicates exciting developments. What arises may be disruptive, but despite that, events will bring new, and timely, ideas or offers your way. While the swift pace prevents double checking details now, ensure you do it when there’s time.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Dealing with somebody who’s stubborn is tricky, first, because it means trying to understand why their convictions about certain matters is so strong. But, also, it makes you realise that you, too, are sometimes equally determined to do things your way, even if it means you’re defying the circumstances around you.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Few things are more fascinating than exploring the way others look at the world, their differences and, how these agree with or contrast with your perspective. Tempting as it is to explore their views and yours more deeply, judging by the current tricky mood, stop there. Discussions could easily slip into clashes.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

By no means do you object to change. However, you’re sentimental about certain arrangements, often unreasonably so. Now, as you’re in the run up to Sunday’s New Moon, it’s worth at least considering the possibility that changes wouldn’t just be wise, they’d make life easier for everybody, most of all, you.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Unsettling, if not inconvenient, as the events triggered by the powerful link between Mars and, Uranus, planet of the unexpected, may be, they’re too good to pass up. Plunge in. The more swiftly you get involved and the more fully you’ll understand the promise of these ideas or offers. DR

Virgo August 22 – September 21

It’s easy to live with minor differences and, often, you can talk specific issues through gradually. However, you’re uncharacteristically emotional about one particular matter. Until recently, you could ignore this. But with Sunday’s Full Moon bringing these to a head, it’s either talk things through now or face dramas, and within days.

Libra September 22 – October 21

When somebody is unreasonable or makes unrealistic demands, you’re usually able to make it clear you object, but without taking a tough line. However, one particular individual is so headstrong, they’ll ignore anything you say that isn’t forthright, if not just plain blunt. It’s either that, or be prepared to repeat yourself often.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Having lived with uncertainty about certain crucial matters for ages, you’re not only getting impatient, you’re worried others will make decisions without consulting you. Still, don’t rush things. Since Sunday’s New Moon indicates breakthroughs, you and others are better off doing nothing and waiting for the inevitable, and unexpected, changes that arise then.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Usually, you’re the first to spot and explore new things to do, places to go or worthwhile ideas. Yet you’ve dismissed certain recent developments because they’re similar to something you experienced in the past, and absolutely hated. However, times have changed and so have you. At least consider these. You won’t regret it.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

The powerful link between Uranus, planet of breakthroughs, and Mars, which is positioned in Capricorn, influences every sign. However, it’s bringing extraordinary events your way. Bizarrely, this could be challenging. Why? It’s that ideas or offers are so amazing you’re wary. That alone is good reason to plunge in, and now.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

It’s the rare Aquarian who’s actually shy. Still, most born under your sign are happier exploring some topics than others. What’s tricky is that now, events are forcing you to discuss, if not negotiate about, a matter you don’t really understand. Clever as you are, you’re urged to seek guidance, and soon.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Frequently, others thank you for having inspired them. While, obviously, you’re delighted, you’re often unaware of what you said or did that had such a positive influence. Despite that, it’s a gift. While, on occasion, you’re aware what you’re doing, mostly, it’s a gift you use unthinkingly. Still, that in no way diminishes its power.


Turning an already exciting idea into something fantastic is an art, and one you’ll find you’re dealing with, and in a range of situations. While you’re in a period of exciting growth, what comes your way won’t always suit you or fit your needs and requirements. The solution? Simply consider what changes would bring the necessary improvements, then begin making them. Nobody will object and, often, others will be delighted to lend a hand, and perhaps work with you in the future as well.


Aries March 20 – April 18

It’s an exciting week and, what’s more, Sunday’s New Moon, is all about breakthroughs, if not a fresh perspective. While this is exciting, it could also mean that certain plans you’ve regarded as reliable need to be questioned, if not reviewed. Do that now, and you’ll avoid time consuming surprises later.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Obviously, you’d rather not upset somebody close to you. However, one particular issue has created such a rift between you that you’ve no idea what to say or do. Discuss it. But focus on how much you’d like to achieve an accord and that you hope they feel the same. That will change everything.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

You’re amazingly easygoing, even about issues others take seriously, enough they’re always ready for a lively debate. Judging by the influence of this weekend’s New Moon, events will trigger a rethink in arrangements you’ve struggled to keep as they are. Unfair as this seems, these changes are as timely as they are inevitable.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Changes in elements of your life you’re either sentimental about or which you know can’t remain as they are worry you. However, you feel stuck. Sudden events could resolve everything. While these will, indeed, lead to a major reorganisation, you’re delighted by the timing and, as much, the form it would take.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Yet again, you’re in a situation in which you’re convinced both ideas are fantastic and the timing is right. However, you’re facing somebody who wants conventional facts, which are in short supply. Waste no time on explanations. Get the individual in question involved. Do that, and they’ll soon understand why you’re so enthusiastic.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Everybody dreams of an offer that appears from nowhere. Better yet, what’s coming your way will be as exciting as it is unexpected. The problem? You’ll need to move swiftly, probably before you can gather the facts you’ll need to make a well-informed decision. The solution? Trust your intuition. It’s more reliable than you think.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Few things are more disappointing than discovering somebody you’ve trusted wasn’t nearly as reliable as you thought. The problem is, their idea of a plan, agreement or commitment differs entirely from yours. Forget about discussing this. Simply bear this in mind, next time and, in fact, every time you deal with them.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Undoing existing arrangements is challenging enough. True, changes are inevitable. But, obviously, you’d rather wait until you know more about the way things are going and what others are planning. Actually, you’d be better off taking that first step. It may seem risky, but once you do, everything else will be much clearer.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Every New Moon is about letting go of the past and a fresh perspective, on the present but, even more, on future plans. And because this Sunday’s accents the structure of your life, the ideas that arise could be so far-reaching, you’re uneasy, if not wary. Despite that, plunge in. You won’t regret it.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

As a practical earth sign, you would avoid committing to plans of any variety if you’re short of facts. Yet with things moving so swiftly it’s that or risk completely missing out on certain thrilling arrangements. Out of character as it may be, plunge in. The more quickly you get involved, the more you’ll learn.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Out of character as you judging others would be, one particular individual has crossed the line. And because of that, you feel you must speak out, and soon. While that’s wise, discuss this with others who’re knowledgeable about the situation and the individual in question. What you learn could change everything.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

For some weeks you’ve sensed certain longstanding arrangements need to be rethought if not dramatically altered. But there’s always been something else to do or deal with. Now, however, things are quiet enough you can actually tackle these. Begin now, but modestly, knowing your plans will change, and change again.


Luck can appear in many forms, and according to the link between fiery Mars and Uranus, which is about breakthroughs, what arises is likely to be as sudden as it is unexpected. This means you may not recognise the potential of events, ideas or offers. Knowing that, explore absolutely everything, including what seems unrealistic or even unappealing. What you learn in the process will be as important as the actual events coming your way now, and in the future.


Aries March 20 – April 18

Even the simplest of arrangements are unlikely to last long. Knowing that, you’ll focus on the big picture and deal with details when you can. Since not everybody is aware of this, ensure you explain to those who’re involved. It will prevent them worrying or, worse, trying to deal with those details themselves.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

The last thing you’re in the mood for is a top to bottom rethink of an already complex situation. However, not only are changes necessary, with the New Moon ushering in a fresh perspective, on these and other matters, there’s no better time to let go of the past and begin again.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

When you first refused to explore the changes or new ideas others were so enthusiastic about, it was because you were completely unrealistic. Unfortunately, they’ll regard this as criticism of their ideas. Tempting as it is to explain what’s behind your thinking, for now, apologise and say nothing more. In depth discussions can wait.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Every New Moon is about reflecting on what works and what doesn’t, then a clear out. Often, nature does the job for you, in the form of surprising events. Now, however, that farewell demands a conscious decision. In doing so, you’re clearing the way for something new, timely and possibly entirely unexpected.

Leo July 22 – August 21

As a Leo, your sheer enthusiasm will usually win others over to both changes you regard as worthwhile and new ideas. Still, sometimes, that’s not enough. Tempting as it is to debate these ideas, point by point, you’re urged to back off. All the individuals in question need is time to think things through.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Somebody who’s usually easygoing has suddenly become very sensitive, and about a bizarre range of issues. Tempting as it is to offer a hand, and suggest you could talk these over, you’d soon regret it. The matters in question are more complicated than you think and, also, too sensitive to discuss.

Libra September 22 – October 21

It would appear that your efforts to stand up to somebody who’s difficult at the best of times haven’t succeeded nearly as well as you hoped. The fact is, few manage to get through to the individual in question, at least initially. The secret? It’s not tact, it’s persistence. Never, ever give up.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Ages ago, you promised yourself that you would never lose faith in one particular arrangement, mostly because organising it was such a struggle. This may be business or out in the world, but some portion of it is personal. So much, you’d worry about changes. Discuss this frankly. The response will surprise you.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Recently, ‘decluttering’ has become the thing to do. While, obviously, this is especially focused on lifestyle in general and certain possessions, in your case it might also apply to the projects you’re working on or have in mind. Promising as they seem, it’s time for a review and, perhaps, saying farewell to some.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

At the moment, you’re in a tricky situation. While you’ve made and, possibly, committed to plans, those who’d also be involved aren’t just unsure about their position, their own circumstances are changing, often in ways beyond their control. The solution? Regard every idea and arrangement as tentative. Because that’s what each is.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

If you sense you’re about to face some tricky situations, you’re right. However, these are the sort that force everybody involved to discuss the issues in question and, better yet, brainstorm solutions. That won’t just be helpful now, what you learn could deal with a range of persistent unanswered questions.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

From your point of view, certain changes aren’t just timely, they’re urgent. Unfortunately, not everybody agrees and, in fact, certain individuals insist they’d rather stick with things as they are. Say nothing but, instead, quietly proceed with your plans. The resulting success will testify to the wisdom of your thinking.


Finding a balance between dazzling ideas or sudden yet thrilling offers and the requirements of everyday life is bound to be a challenge. But especially now, because you’ve so much to think about. The trick is to focus on exploration, and to learn from what you experience and who you meet, yet avoid making any final arrangements until your own perspective on these matters is clearer. And until then? Of course you’ll make plans, small and large. Just organise them so they can be changed as often as your perspective shifts.


Aries March 20 – April 18

Just when you feared you’ve had to give up on an exciting plan or worse, a passion dear to your heart, suddenly, the tide is turning. While, obviously, this is a relief, with Mercury retrograde and triggering sudden changes, there’ll be yet more twists and turns before things are finally settled.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Every once in a while, it’s vital that you pause and think about what you’ve accomplished and, even more, celebrate those achievements. And, where appropriate, ask others to join in. This both acknowledged what you’ve done but also creates the team spirit necessary for what you’ll be focusing on next.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

After weeks of declaring certain changes are unrealistic and, more recently, days of challenging others’ ideas, suddenly you’ve realised you’re wrong and how right they are. The next problem is your ego, and how to say you agree, without being ridiculed. It’s probably unavoidable. If so, it’s a lesson about being stubborn.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

For you, as a sympathetic Cancerian, simply listening to somebody’s tales of woe, yet doing nothing is nearly impossible. Now, however, you owe it to yourself and to the individual in question to back off and allow them to deal with the matters in question on their own. You already know the reason why.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Planning ahead is difficult when the ideas planet Mercury is retrograde, and triggering all sorts of unexpected twists and turns. The trick is to regard those plans as tentative and, in doing so, ensure they’re flexible. This may not be your usual approach to planning, but for now, it’s by far the best.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Being a Virgo, and somebody who thinks things through in detail before you even think of making a decision, once you commit, you’re rarely wrong. However, the Full Moon has heightened your feelings, so much you’re not as clear-minded as usual, something worth noting before you commit to future plans.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Be wary of those who insist you’ve been unclear, either about plans or the facts in certain situations. While, usually, you’d double check the facts, one particular individual uses this as a way of getting out of commitments. The only solution is to be tough, and in a manner that’s entirely out of character.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Usually, you’re adept at sidestepping subjects you’d rather avoid even mentioning, mostly because they could lead to matters you regard as strictly private. Once regarding these as nobody’s business but your own made sense. But that’s no longer the case. Discuss these frankly. It will be easy and an unexpected relief.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Somebody seems determined to introduce you to a new place, activity or, possibly, an individual they’re convinced you should meet. While, ordinarily, you’d go along with this, you feel as if your life’s being taken over. And you’re not happy about it. Still, go with the flow. You won’t regret it.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Only days ago, you firmly believed the plans you’d organised were as exciting as they were solid. Yet since then, events have changed, and changed again, until little of that original vision remains. Yet, bizarrely, even sudden changes aren’t just a good idea, they’ve improved arrangements beyond anything you’d imaged possible.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

One of your most useful characteristics is your ability to view almost any tricky situation or, indeed, troublesome individual a humorous irony. This perspective is helpful at times like this, when everybody is taking things far too seriously. Better yet, it enables you to withdraw, take a breath, and return with renewed enthusiasm.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

You’ve long sensed breakthroughs are on their way, but nothing has appeared that’s interesting, or remotely inspiring. Still, with the New Moon in Pisces bringing a fresh perspective, you’ll soon recognise that what you regard as uninteresting if not dull developments are part of timely changes and, indeed, a new approach to longstanding arrangements.


While every sign is influenced by the New Moon, the fact it takes place on your birthday and is in Pisces indicates you’ve reached a turning point. On one hand, this is about pausing to review what works, where changes are necessary and what should go. But, even more important is exploring new ideas and developments as unexpected as they are perplexing. Breakthroughs of this nature aren’t just timely, they’d be exactly what you’ve been searching for and, in fact, need.