The show is high energy, with a full band and DJ. We play a big variety of songs from all my records, and yes - we take it back to the old school, says Vanilla Ice. Image Credit: Rex Features

Ever heard of Robert Matthew Van Winkle? Thought not. But you have heard of Vanilla Ice, Van Winkle's stage name.

The American rapper became a household name in the early '90s with hits like Ice Ice Baby and Play that Funky Music, and is credited with bringing hip-hop music to a mainstream white audience.

He even branched into films, appearing in a number of films, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, which he's said was "one of the coolest experiences" of his career, and Cool as Ice, which earned him a Golden Raspberry Award for worst new star.

Vanilla Ice opens up to tabloid! in an e-mail interview.

Have you performed in Dubai before?

I have been there before — I played a show for the Emirates offshore powerboat race. I thought it was awesome. I always tell people how nice it is there and how good the food is — we had shrimp the size of lobster. LOL!

What are you working on now?

I am working on a reality show called The Wild Adventures of Vanilla Ice, and I have a new record coming out on June 25, called WTF. It is techno, hip-hop, pop music...

How do you keep fit?

I keep fit by racing motocross and staying active, playing around 100 concerts a year.

What is one question the media never ask but you wish they would?

What is the meaning of life? Answer — family and friends, not money or material things.

Tell us one thing nobody knows about you?

I am a vegetarian.

Are you a fan of programmes like The X Factor?

I didn't know what X Factor was before I went to London to work with Jedward. I found out that it was like American Idol, and yes I like it.

What do you really think about the success of artists like Leona Lewis etc?

Is that the old lady who can sing really good? I'm not sure who that is.

What was it like working with Jedward? How did the collaboration come about? (Their first single, Under Pressure (Ice Ice Baby), features Vanilla Ice.)

Fun, after I finished laughing. I was shocked that they are so funny. I didn't know too much about them, I got a blog from my street team and they said, "There are these twins that dress like the old you and sing Ice Ice Baby."

A week later we recorded a mash up version called Pressure. On January 31 it came out and went to the top of the charts in four days, and has already sold over a million copies. Wow! LOL! A great song is a great song!

Which of your memories sticks out for you?

I do have many memories — some good, some bad, but we are who we are because of who we were! To live and to learn! I just played a show in Russia for MTV and had a sold-out crowd of 80,000 fans in the Olympic stadium. It was a great show with awesome sound and lights, huge video monitors and dancing girls riding a full-size carousel on stage.

What's the hardest thing about being Vanilla Ice?

The hardest thing about being Vanilla Ice is not getting enough sleep. People think the life of a rock star is so great, but they never see the real side of it.

It's a lot of work, and having to learn how to sleep on airplanes, and most of the time I don't get to see half the places I go, because it's in and out. But no complaints, I am happy.

What is the most important thing you have done so far this year?

This year, the most important thing I have done is being there for my family. Businesswise, I finished my new record and started a new project for car lovers called The Car Loft.