Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi's taxi and hire car regulation centre yesterday announced that seven UAE-based companies have been awarded franchises to operate and manage the new taxi network in the emirate.

In line with law no 19 of the year 2006, Abdullah Rashid Al Otaiba, chairman of the department of transport, endorsed the list of winning taxi franchises.

Following a competitive tender launched in 2006, bids were evaluated against criteria that took into account the company's technical and management capabilities, financial strength, understanding of the taxi sector and the company's level of preparation to contribute to the successful launch of the taxi sector in Abu Dhabi emirate.

Each franchise company will launch a fleet of 1,020 taxis over a phased period of three to five years.

The total fleet size will be 7,140 taxis and the first batch is expected to hit abu dhabi streets in the last quarter of 2007.

Companies awarded the franchises for managing and operating the new taxi network in abu dhabi are: Tawasul Transport, Cars Taxi, Al Ghazal Transport, National Taxi, the joint venture of Arabia Taxi and Al Masaood Q-Link Transport LLC and Emirates National Group.

"As a fair and transparent regulator, we have evaluated and assessed all submissions on the basis of applicants' merit against our quality benchmarks and high standards.

"We are pleased to announce that seven local companies have been appointed to operate the new taxi network.

"These finalists have successfully demonstrated their ability to run a professional, high quality and competitive taxi fleet," says Khalid Saleh Al Rashedi, general manager, taxi and hire car regulation centre.

"This decision brings us closer to our aim of creating an efficient, modern and high quality taxi services network that will benefit the community and project a positive image of the emirate.

"We are confident of our ability to create a 21st century taxi network for the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

"we will be working closely with the franchise companies to finalise all processes that relate to the launch of the new taxis and ensure that drivers, licence owners and passengers are all content.

"Some announcements will follow in the coming few weeks which will include more details on the implementation mechanism," concludes Al rashedi.

Fast facts: Each company will launch a fleet of 1,020 cars

- Companies awarded franchises for managing and operating the new taxi network in abu dhabi are: Tawasul Transport, Cars Taxi, Al Ghazal Transport, National Taxi, the joint venture of Arabia Taxi and Al Masaood Q-Link Transport LLC and Emirates National Group.

- Each franchise company will launch a fleet of 1,020 taxis over a phased period of three to five years.

- Al Rashedi says the finalists have successfully demonstrated their ability to run a professional, high quality and competitive taxi fleet.

- For more information about the new taxi system, call the Abu Dhabi taxi centre hotline: 600 56 0006.