Sanal Kumar, perched on the footrest, attends to a customer Image Credit: Hadrian Hernandez/XPRESS

Sharjah: People look up to Sanal Kumar even though he is only four feet ten inches tall.

His can-do attitude is a hit at the Sharjah restaurant where he works. The 24-year-old is often seen perched on the footrest of larger cars pulling up to place orders at Food Basket on Al Ta'awun Street. The bachelor from Kerala, India, even keeps a bench handy to reach store shelves.

The little man brings big orders at the cafeteria, where many of the customers are regular clients because of Sanal's welcoming nature, his supervisor said.

Kumar is also known for his dress sense - he can be a bit formal one day and sport a fancy costume the next. Nowadays, he can be seen sporting quirky soccer gear, in keeping with the World Cup fever.

"People like him so much he sometimes earns more in tips than he does from wages," said Quality Control Supervisor Hazan Haneef. "I think it's his smile, he's very charming. He greets up to 50 customers a day, many of whom know him by name and have become acquaintances."

It had been an uphill road for Kumar ever since he turned 10, when a hormone disorder stunted his growth. His fortunes changed when restaurant owner Mohammad Haneef offered him a job in Sharjah some 18 months ago.

"When I got older, it became hard to find work because of my height. Now I've a job here in the UAE just because of my height," said Kumar.