Bank charges

I have two credit cards from First Gulf Bank (FGB) (Master Card and Makkah Card) for a long time. I always pay regularly on time, at least the minimum balance. The bank is happy every month charging me a huge interest, which they occasionally increase with a statement on the credit card statement that they will increase the rate with an effective date. Poor customers like me, who do not have the funds to close the card, will be forced to pay for all the revised rates.

Recently, they have started a new way of charging the customer with different types of insurance facilities. They do not ask the customers for any confirmation whether they need the same or not. They just start charging them and it becomes the duty of the customer to call, cry or approach the bank to cancel that facility; until then the bank will happily charge as per their wish.

Finally, when we manage to call their number, with great difficulty we get an option of speaking to the right person. Then they will say that in case (after a lot of try for forced selling of their product) we do not need, they will cancel the same from next month.

When I asked for the refund of the amount which they have charged without my consent, they blindly refused to do so.

Recently I was charged for three months for both my credit cards for Wallet Shield Insurance, which I have never asked for and had never confirmed either through phone or in writing.

Finally when I managed to call the bank and asked for a refund, the Makkah Card at least had the courtesy of reversing charges for one month, but the Master Card refused any refund. So by the time I was able to call them and speak to the right person, both my cards got charged with more than Dh1,000 without my consent or confirmation. This way they are trying to cheat and loot the customer. I spoke to them over phone again, but the answer was: “No.”
From Mr Ilias Aneefa

The management of First Gulf Bank responds:
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. First Gulf Bank takes comments such as these very seriously and cares deeply about the quality of service extended to its clients. We pledge to take appropriate action with the relevant department to ensure that these concerns are addressed. We aim to treat every complainant with utmost respect and revert at the earliest with the appropriate feedback and suggestions. Our call centre will get in touch with the client directly.

First Gulf Bank updates:
The issue has been resolved to customer satisfaction.

Mr Aneefa responds:
First Gulf Bank officials have promised me over the phone that they will reverse all the entries very soon. If it is done my problem is solved. One thing I wish to highlight is that without Gulf News intervention, nothing would have happened. Thank you once again for your support.

Billing issue

Although I have a six month free BlackBerry package with du, I was first charged Dh130 for the first month and I was then informed that the free package starts from the second month. However, again in the second month I was charged Dh130.

When I got the bill I complained to du and was asked to [first] pay the bill and then the same would be credited back in the next month. I obliged, but the next month, although I was given a credit of Dh130 for the previous month, there was no credit for the current month.

I have called du customer care on 155 a number of times.

Eighty per cent of the time the representative listened to my complaint and hung up, unless I got a representative who registered my complaint. I have been to various du shops and they just advised me to call 155. My complaint was registered in the beginning of August and I am still waiting for a response.
From Mr Aman Suri
Abu Dhabi

Editor’s note: The complaint was sent to the management of du. However, despite repeated reminders they failed to respond.

- If you have similar consumer complaints, send them to us at