It is not shocking to find that the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown, is not going to be charged. The decision not to press charges against the officer is a reflection of the US law system and ironically, they are the first to comment and pinpoint on other countries for any wrongdoing, yet when it happens on their own land, President Barack Obama asks the public to accept the decision of the grand jury.

How come it is fine to turn the blind eye to ending the life of an 18-year-old? Despite all the violence and demonstrations as a result of the jury’s decision, President Obama still insists that the nation is built on the rule of law and that citizens need to accept the decision. While the decision itself was not shocking, it is shocking to note that these type of racial discriminations still occur even in the 21st century. Despite all the advances that humankind has made, equality still seems like an illusion. It is important that we, not only US citizens, but citizens of the world stand against such crimes in order to save innocent young lives from going to waste. If we do not take a stand on such crimes, it will further fuel hate and segregation and at times like these, we need to practice unity more than ever. Let’s all hold hands for Brown and all the young people that have been killed for no reason!

- The reader is an Emirati engineer based in Sharjah