Teenagers recline in front of computer tables engaged in another game of counterstrike as a group of high school pupils huddle outside the internet cafe discussing the latest online video. This has become familiar scene on busy streets or derelict aisles in every emirate in the UAE. Concerned by the growing complaints from parents on teenagers wasting their time in internet cafes, Ajman Police in cooperation with the local civic body announced that children below 18 years will not be allowed in such cafes anymore. Would such a step help in disciplining children? How do internet cafes affect the personality of pupils?

It is an excellent decision by Ajman to not allow children below 18 years into internet cafes.

It is a very wise decision to save our culture from being destroyed. Children do not spend time in cafes only for study purposes. A few pupils may provide information on websites that provide inappropriate content, which can then be accessed by gullible children. This can seriously affect the future of young and intelligent pupils.
Shahab Ahmad

Such a ban would not be very effective. Most children would go to internet cafes despite the ban. Going to cyber cafes can be harmful for children at times as they do not focus on education and waste a lot of time. They spend hours playing games and might even access sensitive material on websites that are not suitable for children at such a young age.
Marlen Bissaliyev

Children should not be stopped, as they may be driven to access it more than they normally would. It may have the opposite affect. However, there should be better filters installed to ensure they do not access the wrong websites. It would be more effective than putting a blanket ban on entry to web cafes.
Nawaz Kazi

There are many games that children can play in internet cafes, and they should not be stopped without a reason. The ban should be implemented based on the establishment. If a cafe allows smoking, children should not be allowed to enter. However, they can go to cafes where people can log on to browse websites or play games.
Mohammad Ahmad

This will not stop them from watching adult-rated movies, smoking or violence.

The authorities have put a ban on certain websites that may contain adult-rated material. However, children who are computer-savvy can still access such sites. Therefore, such a ban may not make a major difference. However, the current regulations are helpful in a way as there are only a limited number of children who can access these websites.
Rishi Mujumdar

Nowadays, teenagers know how to use technology to go around any blocked website. Additionally, habits like smoking do not depend on whether a child goes to internet cafes. Such habits are a result of influence by friends. Parents need to be more actively involved in a child's daily life, as they can as well access the wrong websites at home. Guardians need to keep a check on their time.
Syed Ghazali

Going to internet cafes has nothing to do with picking habits like smoking. Implementing such a ban will only make them more curious. They would think that internet cafes are places where people smoke or do things they would otherwise not be allowed to do. People just use cafes to play games or go online and youngsters should not be given an impression otherwise.
Rawan Diwan

Banning children from going to internet cafes will not make any difference. They are already influenced by their friends and go to internet cafes. The problem is with the implementation of the ban more than the ban itself. Such bans should be implemented strictly to be effective. Additionally, parents should take responsibility for their child's actions, as they have control over them.
Jivesh Sehgal

Parents should be held responsible, by law, if they allow children to visit such places.

I do not see the logic behind holding parents accountable by law in case children visit such places. Nowadays, children become independent at a very young age. If they meet friends and decide to go to a cafe, it will not be fair to penalise parents. However, authorities should try to involve parents in a positive way because visiting cafes can influence a child's behaviour.
Rehan Khalid

Parents play a very important role in disciplining children. Nowadays, children are quite difficult to control or monitor and there are incidences where children break rules or access websites that they should not be allowed to access, even while they are at home. Parents should make every effort to ensure this does not happen.
Karan Sethi

Internet is a platform, which allows a lot of exchange of information. However, what concerns me is the type of people exposed to these exchanges. Even though research and studies show that the internet is a tool for development of children, parents should allow children to access internet at home under supervision.
Farhana Zaman

Almost everyone has an internet connection at home and if children are still coming to cafes, it means that they intend to use the internet in a way that is not allowed by their parents. Parents can keep a good watch on children at home but not when they are away. Authorities need to step in and follow the step taken by Ajman.
Mazhar Marzook

This ban should be adopted across the UAE.

If such a ban is implemented, it needs to be implemented throughout the UAE to be effective. If the ban is only on cafes in Ajman, children living in the emirate can travel a short distance to another one and enter internet cafes there. This will defeat the purpose. Parents should take more responsibility in the issue. They should decide where and how their children spend time.
Vanessa Crasta

If you have separate areas in internet cafes for children and adults, a ban would not be needed. Going to cafes diverts a child's focus from studies. They may become a part of a group in school and may meet with friends after school hours. Children end up wasting a lot of time in cafes and are vulnerable to a lot of harmful content. However, it can also be a good place for friends to meet and socialise.
Aseem Sood

There are not enough recreation centres or places where children can meet friends. This is why internet cafes are so popular. They allow children to meet with friends and socialise. I do not think other emirates should implement such a ban. The cafes do not pose any danger to children.
Ravi Singh

Each one of us should have the freedom to make the right decision. After classrooms, cafes are probably the best place for pupils to socialise. They can come together and share their experiences and express their feelings to friends. However, if parents do not play an active role in their child's behaviour, children could misuse this freedom.
Abin Ninan