Gulf News reader Ashraf Neeliyat’s report was published on October 28. Soon after, the Abu Dhabi authorities cleaned up the area mentioned. Image Credit: Gulf News archives

I had written about the sorry state of the Mina waterfront at Abu Dhabi Corniche, recently. (“Trash makes a mess of Abu Dhabi corniche”, Gulf News, October 28). I am pleased to report that the Abu Dhabi Municipality has stepped up and taken immediate action to clean up the previously mentioned mess in the waters of the Abu Dhabi Corniche.

People had littered in the water and all the garbage had gathered at certain areas making it an unpleasant sight. Now, there is no sign of the garbage people thoughtlessly tossed in and the water is once again beautifully clear.

The prompt response of the authorities is to be commended but the responsibility is not theirs alone. We, as a community, have to be willing to go the extra mile and keep our surroundings clean. Appropriate garbage disposal containers have been placed at regular intervals along the length of the walking strip and cycling track. All people have to do is utilise them properly. It will not only make passing by the area easy on the eye but is also the environmentally responsible thing to do. The corniche plays a very important role in the lives of the Abu Dhabi community as it provides a place for residents to kick-start a new day or to unwind at the end of a long week. People also need to think about the innocent birds and aquatic creatures that are affected by our carelessness.

The visionary government of Abu Dhabi has provided us with a wonderful place to spend our leisure time. The least we can do is take advantage of it and maintain it in its pristine condition.


The reader is a business planning coordinator based in Abu Dhabi.


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