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  • Reader is receiving credit card statement for another account name
  • He paid all his outstanding dues, yet there is legal notice for over dues
  • Bank rectified the issue and updated its records

I am receiving the credit card statement for another account name in my email ID from Mashreq bank. I’m already a Mashreq customer with this email ID registered for my account. Once I received an email, which is addressed to another person regarding a legal action they’re going to take, I called the concerned person given in the email ID. He told me nothing can be done without any written statement and asked me to reply to the email. I replied via email saying I’m the wrong person being addressed. And he replied saying, we will check and revert. I used to get only emails about this, but today I received a call from India asking for me (not for the other person) and they were asking me about the Mashreq dues and said they are handling Indian customers. For my account, I have paid all my dues, so I informed him that I don’t have any dues. He then told me he will send me an email regarding the same. Now I have received an email from them addressed to my name and in brackets they have written the other person’s name. I replied saying I am not the person that they referred to. I don’t know what to do.

From Mr Vinayak Prasannan


The management of Mashreq responds: Thank you for sharing Mr Vinayak Prasannan’s concern with us.

We have reviewed the issue escalated to our attention and sincerely regret for the inconvenience experienced by him. As per our investigation, we have identified that it’s a case of mistaken identity. The email address of Mr Prasannan updated in our record belongs to one of our collection customer.

We have restricted the calls and are arranging to have the details rectified in our record. We have contacted Mr Prasannan and apologised for the inconvenience experienced. Thank you for bringing his concerns to our notice.

Mr Prasannan responds: Thank you Gulf News for the help you have rendered to me. Yes, they have contacted me regarding the same and they have sent me a confirmation email.

(Process initiation: July 11. Response from organisation: July 15. Reader confirmation: July 17.)

Editor’s note: Do you have similar issues that you would like to raise with us? You can write to us at readers@gulfnews.com.