We all have our personal lists - of the zaniest/quirkiest/
funniest/ craziest/smartest ... We devote this page to them.

This week, Liezel Maree is a Dubai-based sales executive with a passion for riding bikes and flying helicopters, lists ...

Less punctures: Isn't it obvious. When there is only half the number of wheels, you will spend less on maintenance.

No such thing as getting stuck in traffic: I get a kick weaving through the gaps between cars that are stuck in a traffic jam. But one needs to keep an eye out for doors that may be thrown open without notice.

Makes heads turn: Regardless of who is riding it - a guy or a gal - a bike always makes heads turn.

Four wheels are for people who can't balance: You require skill to ride a bike and pizzazz to handle the oomph that comes with it.

It's for the young-at-heart: People on bikes have a passion for adventure and action - they are just cool. Why even granny would look hip on a two-wheeler!

It leans better: This makes communication with fellow road users easier. And when you need to ask for directions, you don't need to stretch and twist yourself to be heard by the person in the next car.

Easier to get away: You can easily shake off anyone on your tail, if you know how to zigzag through the mesh of cars.

Easier to finance: Getting your first bike is always easier than getting your first car.

Gives you a reason to dress up in leather: When in Rome do as the Romans do; when you are a biker you belong to a community of cool individuals. You dress differently, you go places, you enjoy and feel great about yourself ...

Look no further: It's easier to find space to park your bike. I'm sure car owners who waste precious time on weekends circling parking lots, looking for an empty slot,
envy bikers.