Several flags around the world have unique and elaborate designs that tell a story of their origins. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The national flag of a country tells a special story about its history and culture. While some countries prefer to go with colour blocks, others feature elaborate artwork that make you look twice.

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Here are a few flags with incredibly unique designs:

1. Belize

flag belize
The national flag of Belize Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This country in Central America showcases how important the mahogany industry is for the nation’s economy. With the national motto ‘Sub Umbra Floreo’ (under the shade, flourish), the coat of arms depicts two woodcutters – one holding an axe, and the other with a paddle. They stand under the canopy of a large mahogany tree.

2. Bhutan

The national flag of Bhutan Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Featuring Bhutan’s national emblem, the druk or thunder dragon, from its mythology, the country’s flag is bold and glorious. The dragon is white, to represent purity and loyalty, and holds four gemstones or norbu, which represent wealth. The background has two colours – orange to represent Drukpa monasteries, and yellow to represent the authority of the royal family.

3. Kenya

kenya flag
The national flag of Kenya Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The Kenyan flag is a tale of freedom. The black part of it represents the people, the red symbolises the blood spilled while fighting colonialism, the green depicts the nation’s natural wealth and the white seals the flag with peace. In the centre, proud and true, is the Masai shield and spear, portraying the defense of their independence.

4. Turkmenistan

The national flag of Turkmenistan Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Considered one of the most complex national flags in the world, Turkmenistan’s green flag has a red stripe depicting five beautiful guls on its left-hand side. Guls are traditional medallion-like designs, used in carpets and rugs in central Asia – the five represented on the flag depict each one of the country’s five founding tribes.

5. Albania

flag albania
The national flag of Albania Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A red canvas with a two-headed eagle makes the entire motif of Albania’s national flag. The two heads of the eagle represent the north and south of the country. According to local folklore, the Albanian name for the country is Shqipëria, literally translating to “land of the eagles”, so the symbol on the flag is a fitting one, representing fortitude and national pride.

Which of these flag designs did you like most? Play today’s Crossword and tell us at games@gulfnews.com.