charles dickens
Portrait of a young Charles Dickens in 1872, by Daniel Maclise. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Those who set out to read a Charles Dickens novel, likely approach it with great expectations (pun intended), as they should – he was one of the most prolific writers of the 19th century.

Click start to play today’s Crossword, where 1-Across will ask you to name one of his famous books.

Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Gemälde von E. Hader

The English author’s novels are known for shining a light on gruesome truths about Victorian England, and the harsh realities of the British social class system. As one of the most popular novelists of his century, Dickens’ books have never been out of print. Here are a few facts about the author and his life, to help you get to know him:

1. He had a difficult childhood

Dickens’ father amassed so much debt that the entire family, except for the author and his older sister Fanny, were sent to Marshalsea debtors’ prison. Left to fend for himself at the age of 12, Dickens had to drop out of school and work at a warehouse along the River Thames, pasting labels onto blacking pots used for shoe polish.

2. He worked hard and moved up

In 1827, a 15-year-old Dickens found work as a junior clerk at the law office of Ellis and Blackmore, but instead of focusing on legal work, he devoured the shorthand method of writing developed by English author Thomas Gurney. That skill led to him working as a reporter in the 1830s, covering political news for publishers like the Morning Chronicle.

3. He perfected the cliffhanger ending

Most of Dickens’ novels, like David Copperfield and Oliver Twist, were written in weekly or monthly installments for magazines and then republished in a complete book later on. So, Dickens knew he had to get his readers hooked – he employed cliffhangers at the end of nearly every chapter to get eager readers to buy subsequent episodes. In 1841, American readers were so anxious to know what happened in Dickens’ The Old Curiosity Shop, they flocked to the docks in New York’s harbour, to ask passengers arriving from England whether they read the ending of the story, and if the character of Nell had indeed died.

4. He started a home for “fallen women”

With assistance from millionaire banking heiress Angela Coutts, Dickens set up and managed Urania Cottage, a rehabilitation home for homeless women and ex-prisoners, so that they could reintegrate into Victorian society. Dickens was known for visiting the Cottage several times a week, to consult with prison governors, hire and fire matrons, deal with the gardener and plumbing issues, keep careful written accounts of the girls’ backgrounds, and arrange their emigration, when needed, to Australia, South Africa, or Canada.

5. He was a Victorian ghostbuster

The Victorians often believed in both spiritualism and science, and Dickens was one of them. Along with authors like Arthur Conan Doyle and William Butler Yeats, he was a member of the Ghost Club – a members-only group that investigated supposed supernatural encounters, and often exposed frauds in the process.

Which is your favourite Dickens’ novel? Play today’s Crossword and tell us at