One of the displays during the opening of the ‘Roaming Images’ exhibition at the Maraya Art Centre at Al Qasba. The art exhibition features works of 13 artists, including photographs and installations. Image Credit: Asghar Khan/Gulf News

Sharjah: An art project aimed at bringing the cultures of East and West was inaugurated recently in Sharjah, and similar openings will follow in various countries until the project reaches Greece.

The "Roaming Images" programme is an initiative of the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art of Greece (MMCA), and is a nomadic forum that highlights the concept of images, that tells us the story of how we speak, how we think and even envision the future, within art and science.

The art exhibition features works from 13 artists, including photographs and installations, and are on display at Maraya Art Centre in Al Qasba until August 6.

Giuseppe Moscatello, curator of Maraya Art Centre, explained that the project will pass through a number of countries, including Oman, Syria, Egypt, Cyprus and Turkey.

"Once the project is over, all the featured artists from participating countries will have their works displayed at the third 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Greece in September," said Moscatello.

The project intends to bring together artists, scholars and writers, and encourages them to contribute through their research and creativity.

Hub for innovators

Moscatello noted that Sharjah is focused on being a hub for innovators and artists, and is constantly keen in attracting and publicising intellectual productions, literary compositions and artistic outputs from all over the world.

"‘Roaming Images' is important because it offers a brief overview of the West, which is represented by Greece, and the East, represented by the UAE. It is activities such as this that will contribute to the strengthening of ties of cooperation in the finest intellectual productions," he added.

The artists associated with the "Roaming Images" programme include Khalil Abdul Wahid, Tarek Al Ghoussein, Ebtisam Abdul Aziz and Noor Al Suwaidi.