Vivek Sinha

As founder of the Vision Catalyst group what are your achievements and how did you achieve them in such short span of time?

Vision Catalyst group is just the extended version of Dubai model directed by the great leaders of the UAE, and all our focus is on implementing the dreams of the visionary leaders of Dubai and UAE. Establishing 15 companies in 15 years, I don’t see it as an achievement as unlimited is our vision and limitless is our motive. We always strive to make new targets every single day and work honestly to achieve it in the best possible way to be an example for people to dream big and deliver it with passion.

Please share a brief on Vision Catalyst’s product and service portfolio.

As you know, Vision Catalyst Group is the industry leader of EPC projects, real estate developments, international trade, oil and gas sector supply chain, and turnkey design and build solutions with 15 unique companies owned by the group across the Middle-East, Europe, Asia and Africa. A few of our well-known entities are Vision Catalyst Turnkey, Galaxy Star Construction, Interglobe Developments, Maze Projects, and Global Vision Petroleum. All our projects are well-planned from concept to realisation. During this process, we understand the client’s mindset, authority’s compliances, industry trends, and engineering standards.

After defining our goals and objectives, we pursue all the supply chain and construction methodologies with modern technologies and tailor-made solutions. Step-by-step planning, implementation, and feedback mechanisms help us to understand the challenges and find proper solutions to deliver successful projects. Our vast expertise in EPC projects, real estate development and oil and gas projects of the last two decades helps us to deliver any challenging project successfully.

How do you ensure that your team works together effectively?

I believe that effective team collaboration is essential for success. To ensure my team works together effectively, I focus on creating a positive and collaborative environment. This includes setting clear expectations and goals, providing regular feedback, and encouraging open communication.

What do you think is the most important quality for a founder to have?

I believe the most important quality for a founder to have is vision. A successful founder must be able to see beyond the present and anticipate what their company will need in order to succeed in the future. This means understanding the industry, trends, and customer needs. It also requires being able to think strategically and make decisions that are based on data rather than emotion. Finally, it means having the courage to take risks and push boundaries in pursuit of success.

Which industries do you plan to expand into in the next five years?

In the next five years, I plan to expand my business into a variety of industries. My goal is to create an innovative and successful company that can provide solutions for customers in any industry. To do this, I will be focusing on research and development in order to identify new opportunities and develop products or services that meet customer needs. I am particularly interested in expanding into real estate development and energy solution providing sector, as it offers many potential growth areas. With advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies, there are numerous possibilities for creating innovative products and services.

In addition, I also plan to explore opportunities in healthcare, finance, retail, and other industries where there is potential for growth.

As a proud Made in UAE brand, please share a personal message to the UAE Leadership.

We are thankful to the UAE and Dubai Leaders for providing the best platform in the world to conduct business from. The UAE is not just a country, it is the world in a country. We love passion, progress and productivity, and are thankful to the Vision Catalyst team as well for making the company among the most technically qualified Dubai brands.