An estimated 75 per cent of the lubricants sold in the UAE are unbranded, low-quality products, an industry representative said.

The lubricants industry can overcome the twin threats of record raw material prices and low cost, sub-standard products by working to promote quality, high-specification lubricants, said Kamal Said, chief operating officer of Emirates National Oil Company (Enoc) International Sales LLC.

Said spoke at the opening of the third annual Outlook for the East of Suez - Lubricants and Baseoils conference.

Enoc, together with Adnoc and Emarat and with support from the international oil majors, is working with the UAE Federal Government organisation, Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology, and the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS), to create lubricant standards through compliance procedures.

Enoc is also working to promote the implementation of procedures to control the marketing of sub-standard lubricants.

"This event comes at a most challenging time for our industry - we face record prices for raw materials across the entire supply chain and substantial consumer resistance to accepting higher costs," Said said.