Chinese book launch
Representatives from the Chinese publishing sector, scholars, representatives of Chinese enterprises in Saudi Arabia, as well as faculty and student representatives from KSU, attended the ceremony. Image Credit: Wang Haizhou, Xinhua News Agency reporter.

On October 1, a ceremonial Chinese book launch, jointly organized by Sinopec Group Middle East office and King Saud University (KSU), took place in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Vice Minister of Publicity Department of China, Zhang Jianchun, and Vice President of KSU, Dr. Yazeed Al-Sheikh, both delivered speeches at the event. Together, they unveiled the "Silk Road Library·Chinese Bookshelf" and witnessed Sinopec's donation of Chinese books to KSU.

Deputy Minister Zhang Jianchun remarked in his speech that both the Chinese and Saudi nationals are diligently striving for their respective grand dreams. Immersing in each other's languages and meticulously studying the books of both nations not only aids in understanding the history and culture but also promotes closer ties and understanding between the two peoples. This, in turn, contributes to the building of a shared future for humanity. "King Saud University, a source of pride for the Saudi people and a globally renowned institution, has collaborated with Sinopec to set up this Chinese bookshelf. It's a testament to the deepening of bilateral economic and cultural exchanges, and heralds a new chapter in Sino-Saudi publishing cooperation," he added.

Dr. Yazeed Al-Sheikh, Vice President of KSU, expressed gratitude for the gift from Sinopec, considering it a tangible action to deepen Sino-Saudi cultural ties. "Today, the beautiful Chinese books will enrich the materials for Chinese language teaching and Chinese studies in our university, helping the Saudi people to know more about China. We will continue to expand our educational and cultural cooperation with the Chinese government and make greater contributions to the development of friendly relations between the two countries," he said.

Lian Mingxiang, Chief Representative of Sinopec Group Middle East Office, stated in an interview, "For over two decades, Sinopec has been dedicated to providing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly products and services in Saudi Arabia, fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. We're also actively involved in enhancing Sino-Saudi trade and cultural exchanges. This bookshelf at KSU marks the third such projects funded by Sinopec in Saudi Arabia. We see this as a new beginning and will continue to strengthen our collaboration with KSU and other related parties, contributing further to the cultural ties and friendship between our nations."

It's reported that the donation from Sinopec comprises over 1,000 books, primarily in Arabic, spanning topics like China's socio-economic development, history, culture, arts, technological advancement, and Chinese language instruction. Representatives from the Chinese publishing sector, scholars, representatives of Chinese enterprises in Saudi Arabia, as well as faculty and student representatives from KSU, attended the ceremony.

By Liu Yang, Luo Sen, Zhao Bin, Xie Rubao, Ma Chunwei