The 100-day countdown ceremony of China's International Consumer Products Expo was held in Haikou Image Credit: Supplied

On January 26th 2021, the first China International Consumer Products Expo 100-day’s countdown ceremony was held in Haikou. Feng Fei, acting governor of Hainan province, attended the event and announced the official commencement of the 100-day’s countdown. Shen Danyang, vice-governor of Hainan province presided over the ceremony and Ni Qiang, secretary-general of the People's Government of Hainan province, attended the event.

In September 2020, it was officially approved by, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and State Council that the first China International Consumer Products Expo, has been set to be jointly held by the Ministry of Commerce and People's Government of Hainan province in Haikou from May 7th to 10th 2021. It will be the first national exhibition that focuses on consumer products.

While organizing the expo serves not only as a key measure to implement President Xi Jinping's important speech of April 13th 2018, central government’s no. 12 document and master plan for the construction of Hainan FTP but also a major task in building Hainan into international tourism and consumption destination in promoting Hainan's opening-up, as well as in boosting Hainan FTP’s global image and influence.

All parties are now committed to building the expo into a vital national-level open platform for advancing the country's "dual circulation" development pattern that aims to rely mainly on domestic consumption known as "internal circulation"; promotes trade with the outside world known as "external circulation"; the benign interaction of both circulations and the significant carrier to deepen the supply-side structural reform of domestic consumption; promote the return of outbound consumption and boost the upgrading of domestic consumption.

Currently, all preparation work for the expo is in full swing. The exhibitor recruitment work has been basically completed. Until now, subscribed exhibition space has exceeded 70,000 square meters, 90% of total planned exhibition area has been registered and the recruitment work shows the following features:

• Well-known global brands have all joined: 200+ global brands have confirmed participation, including L'Oreal, Pernod Ricard from France; Shiseido, Fancl, Omron from Japan; Johnson & Johnson, Dell from United States; Osborne from Spain; Blackmores from Australia etc.

• High degree of international participation: The expo's foreign brands account for nearly 80% of all exhibitors. Switzerland will be the guest country of honor. 10+ countries and regions including Japan, Germany, France, South Korea, Ireland and Hong Kong will show up in the form of country / regional pavilions.

• Full participation among China's provinces and cities: China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, Xinjiang production, construction corporations will organize delegations to participate, highlight the region's high-quality consumer goods and time-honored brands.

• A great number of product release events: Many well-known Chinese and global brands have confirmed to release their latest products and editions at the expo. Example: The latest Hanse sailing yacht from Germany shall make its debut at the expo.

• Highly specialized organization: With a professional layout, the international zone is divided into 5 major sections: Fashion Life, Jewelry & Diamonds, High-End Food & Health Products, Outdoors & Travel Life Necessities and Comprehensive Services. Professional organizations such as the Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China, CFNA, Bird’s Nest Integrity Alliance of CAIQ among others are invited to organize exhibitions and set up authentication zones. All exhibited products will be under strict scrutiny. For business services, please contact our global service hotline 4008-413-413 or email