fake Toyota spare parts
The crackdown continues on the fakes... UAE-wide raids netted quite a catch during 2020. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Raids last year netted Dh10.5 million worth of counterfeit ‘Toyota’ parts across the UAE, which included as many as 165,375 “serviceable” oil filters. Fines totaling Dh310,000 were issued on the offenders.

In all, 21 raids were conducted by the authorities in alliance with Al-Futtaim Toyota, the local dealership. “Items confiscated include serviceable goods such as the various filters and spark plugs, that can be difficult for consumers to differentiate from genuine Toyota products,” said a statement issued by the auto dealership.

“The nationwide effort included market sweeps, where UAE government officials and local police force removed dangerous fake parts from the market. Al-Futtaim Toyota has an important role to play in the fight against counterfeit and ensuring customers don’t fall prey to counterfeiters with the potential for fake parts to endanger all road users.

"Fake parts affect vehicle longevity and failure of any sort when it comes to components like suspension and brakes can lead to serious injury and road fatalities."