Making Indian cuisine the No 1 global choice is my mission and I am confident that it will happen soon, Kapoor says. Image Credit: Supplied

Moulinex Chef's Theatre is place to go to watch India's famous culinary export Sanjeev Kapoor in action as he dishes out his signature treats.

tabloid! caught up with the celebrity chef for a quick chat

You're India's best known chef and apparently you're on a mission to make Indian food the most popular in the world. Tell us about it.

Making Indian cuisine the No 1 global choice is my mission and I am confident that it will happen soon. As far as Indian cuisine go, the unique blend of spices and herbs make it special. The range of dishes also helps.

What's hot in Indian cuisine at the moment — apart from the chillies?

People have started exploring regional foods from India. It's not only about tandoori chicken, naan or idlis and dosas anymore.

Tell us what you'll be doing at the Mega Mela, and why our readers should stop by at the Chefs' Theatre on the day?

I will be demonstrating some unusual recipes. There is a hint of fusion and I can assure you they will be liked by everyone. I will be demonstrating two recipes per session. A lot of thought has gone into the choice of the recipes.

You've opened restaurants all over and won dozens of awards. What's next for you?

I will soon launch a food magazine of international standards in English. My dream is to have a 24-hour food channel. Currently. we are working out the details which we will announce soon.

Who would you most love to cook for that you haven't yet?

I have never thought about cooking in that sense. But it would have been fun to see Charlie Chaplin react to my food… Indian food.