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The “Tataman” clinics will examine anyone who feels symptoms of the coronavirus including a high temperature, shortness of breath and sneezing.

Cairo: The Saudi Health Ministry has launched round-the-clock clinics to examine those who display symptoms of the novel coronavirus in the latest effort to curb the spread of the virus in the country.

The facilities,, dubbed “Tataman” (Get Reassured) are operating all days of the week.

“We have started in several areas and the clinics, if God wills, will be accessible in all areas of the kingdom,” the ministry added.

The “Tataman” clinics will examine anyone who feels symptoms of the coronavirus including a high temperature, shortness of breath and sneezing.

The service is available for all people - citizens and expatriates - without the need to reserve a beforehand appointment.

Five such clinics are already operational in the holy city of Mecca.