Facebook celebrity Qandeel Baloch with Mufti Abdul Qavi in a picture posted by Qandeel Baloch on her Facebook page. Image Credit: Facebook

Islamabad: A Pakistani cleric had his membership of two religious bodies suspended on Wednesday after his pictures with a model went viral on social media.

Religious Affairs Minister Sardar Yousuf issued the order suspending Mufti Abdul Qavi’s membership of Ruet-i-Hilal Committee and National Mushaikh Council over his pictures with the model and Facebook celebrity Qandeel Baloch.

The Ruet-i-Hilal Committee is responsible for sighting the new moon to determine important dates for the Islamic lunar calendar.

The National Ulema Mushaikh Council, which consists of members from mainstream boards of religious seminaries and Jamaat-i-Islami, addresses issues to evolve consensus.

A spokesman of the ministry said the matter of Mufti Qavi’s photos with the model has been referred to the National Ulema Mushaikh Council for further procedure.

Qavi will not be allowed to attend meetings of the two bodies pending a final decision, the spokesperson said.