Dubai: The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is a private limited company whose objective is to reduce waste being produced in the UK as much as possible while increasing the levels of recycling and eco-friendly practices being used.

Every few months it releases a study that highlights issues such as what is being wasted, why and what can be done to reduce it.

It conducts workshops, symposiums and provides lectures in various cities on a range of topics. People and organisations can sign up for them and learn how to be more eco-friendly.

It coordinates various programmes with several government offices in both cities as well as in towns. The communities that would like to join or learn more about what it can do to reduce its carbon footprint submits a request to WRAP.

Once it is taken into consideration, the community is then provided with the programme and aid that would help them maximise their potential.

WRAP also emphasises things like corporate responsibility in a bid to decrease the level of waste being created in large organisations.