Sport - Golf - Ghimire & Craig
Girendra Ghimire & Tim Craig (Nepalese GS) win the Day’s prizes Image Credit: SGSC

The ever popular Bandenia Golf Society League supported by MyGolf Dubai returned for round two at Sharjah Golf and Shooting Club on Saturday the 11th March.

A total of ten societies from all over the UAE have joined for this season of GSL all trying to stake their claim to be Bandenia Golf Society League Champions. The ten societies have been split into two leagues with top four in each league and moving into the knock out stages.


First up in the Bandenia league was the Nepalese Golf Society face off against KEGS. The Nepalese GS have been playing some brilliant golf already in the league and Saturday was no different. KEGS played some good golf however unfortunately for them it was not as good as Nepalese GS. The Nepalese GS won both the matches on the day and added six points to their leagues total. Next up were two societies that could not be separated, FIGME played GTI and both societies won a match each both adding three points to their league totals. Sharjah Social are the fifth society in this league they had a rest week and will be ready to battle in the next round of fixtures.


The first match in the MyGolf Dubai League saw Sports to Business battle it out against a very strong Team International. Team International arguably produced the best golf on the day winning both their matches and they are sitting nicely atop of the MyGolf Dubai league. The other match saw our supporters MyGolf Dubai face off against the local knowledge of Sharjah Society. Brilliant golf on display from both teams and they could not be separated as they both won a match each and gained three points to their league total. The Golf Dragons make up the remainder of this league and will join us once more in the next fixture.

All three leagues are set up brilliantly and all can not wait to see how the leagues progress. As well as the matches, competitors had a chance to win day prizes for best betterball stableford score. Congratulations to Girendra Ghimire & Tim Craig (Nepalese GS) on their win in the Day’s prizes. Second place was won by Paul Nancarrow & Jumadi Bin Husani (Team International). The next round of the GSL will be hosted at SGSC on the 25th of March.