Sport - Golf - Fazil Khaliq
Fazli Khaliq competing in Al Ain Image Credit: Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting & Golf Club

Fazli Khaliq has clinched the September Handicap Day at Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting & Golf Club.

Fazli topped Division A in the 18 Hole Individual Stableford tournament with his winning score of 39 points. A clean front nine of pars meant a total of 21 points going out. Four pars and a net birdie on holes 16 and 18 to secure first place.

Second spot two points back on 37 was Rob Rudling with front and back nine scores of 18 and 19 points. Jeev Gill claimed third spot with 17 and 16 for 33 points total.

Sport - Golf - Darren Shallicker
Darren Shallicker Image Credit: Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting & Golf Club

In Division B first place with a total of 34 points was posted by Darren Shallicker. Five pars on his front nine for 15 points followed by 19 points on the back. Second place went to Steven Jessop after a total of 31 points including six solid pars. Harry Gill finished third via countback after posting nines of 13 and 18 points.

Sport - Golf - Myung Jae Park
Myung Jae Park Image Credit: Al Ain Equestrian, Shooting & Golf Club

Myung Jae Park topped Division C with her 34 points. A three point victory over Ralph Gill who took second place via countback over Chris Potgieter both players scoring 31 points.