An Indian census official recording information about family members living at one of the slum areas, in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru. Image Credit: EPA

The decision to carry out a census on the basis of caste illustrates that despite huge gains that India has made in propelling itself ahead in the race between rival economic powerhouses its social structure still clamours for change. The issue of caste is modern India's most potent divisive tool.

The census must serve positive issues and not be conducted with the sole aim of getting an estimate of prospective vote banks which shrewd politicians can then take advantage of.

The aim should be to create a synergy between classes and castes and not to give preferential treatment towards any particular one. The government of the world's most fully functioning democracy can have no other purpose.

If India is to gain the respect of other nations it must strive to blot out the stigma of the caste system. There cannot be two separate categories: ‘the haves and the have nots'. The caste system typifies this.