We all have our personal lists - of the zaniest/quirkiest/
funniest/ craziest/smartest ... We devote this page to them.

This week, Walter D'Mello is advertising manager at Motivate Publishing Dubai, lists ...

It's too feminine: And that alone makes it scary plain and simple. Feminine things just freak a guy out.

The whole world is the bag: You can find every item that you can possibly think of in a woman's handbag. No point naming the list ... it's endless.

It's the great embarrassment: Women always hand you their bag to "hold for just a second" and then forever to relieve you of the burden. And you end up standing there holding a woman's handbag looking perfectly ridiculous.

It's a bottomless well: Never let your partner trick you into putting your stuff in her bag when you're going somewhere, especially your car keys. Chances are you will never find them again!

It's a thing DEAR (Drop Everything And Run): Once a woman picks up her handbag, it means she's ready to go and there is no way she's going to wait for you. So drop whatever you're doing and simply follow her.

The forbidden territory: It's considered bad manners for us guys to look into a lady's handbag. But this just makes us more curious to know what ladies hide inside them.

The more the merrier: She may have handbags of the top brands, in all kinds of shades, shapes and sizes, but there is that one last bag she really must have. And who pays for it? You've guessed it!

Shop till you drop: They encourage women to buy more and more things because they have an all-it-can-take bag to carry around all sorts of stuff all day long. Guys just have pant pockets which can hold the bare necessities - keys, wallet and a mobile phone. No wonder they drop when they shop.

A lethal weapon: A handbag can turn into a lethal weapon in the hands of an irate woman. We've all been witness to some poor guy being beaten with it. I think handbags should be registered just like all other weapons!

Never big enough: No matter how big the handbag, it's not big enough to fit all their stuff in. My advice: push a trolley around instead!