Video guide to making Kerala-style chicken roast

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves: 5



1 kg chicken 

3 onion (sliced)

3 tbsp cooking oil

1 tbsp coriander leaves

200 ml coconut milk (first press)

300 ml coconut milk (second press)



2 tbsp ginger (chopped)

2 tbsp garlic (chopped)

1 ½ tsp garam masala

1 ½ tbsp red chilli powder

2 ½ tbsp coriander powder

½ tsp turmeric powder

1 ½ tsp pepper powder

Salt to taste

1 tomato (sliced)

2 sprigs of curry leaves

1 onion (sliced)



Step: 1

Clean and cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces.


Step: 2

Marinate the chicken in a heavy-bottomed pan by mixing the ingredients mentioned under ‘marinade'.  


Step: 3

Add the second press of coconut milk to the marinated chicken. 


Step: 4

Cover and cook over a medium flame till the chicken is cooked well. Occasionally, stir the chicken very gently. When it is cooked well, remove the chicken pieces with a mesh ladle and keep them aside.


Step: 5

Heat three tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan. Deep fry the sliced onions till it achieves a golden colour. When it is ready, remove the fried onion from the oil. Place them on a plate and keep them aside.


Step: 6

In the same pan, fry the cooked chicken pieces (without the gravy) over medium heat. Add more oil if needed and turn over, to cook both sides.


Step: 7

When the frying is done, spread the fried onion over the cooked chicken.


Step: 8

Then, add the first press of coconut milk and the chicken gravy. Cook over a medium flame till the gravy becomes thick and creamy.


Step: 9

Finally, garnish with coriander leaves. Kerala-style chicken roast is ready to be served.


Recipe courtesy: Sobha Varghese is a homemaker based in Mumbai, India. Sobha runs a popular YouTube blog called ‘Sobha's Kitchenette’ that focuses on authentic and traditional Kerala recipes.

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