Turn over a new leaf at the Azerbaijan pavilion, when it runs from October 1, 2021 till March 31, 2022. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Azerbaijan’s pavilion focuses on sustainability through its versatile architecture and eco-friendly approach. The nature-inspired country pavilion, the theme of which is  ‘Seeds of the Future’, was built by Italy-based architecture group Simmetrico and is located in the Sustainability District, they had also designed the country's pavilion for Expo 2015 Milan.

What is Azerbaijan known for?

Often known as the ‘Land of Fire’, Azerbaijan is famed for its vast mountain ranges, its Carpet Museum, and its tourist capital, Baku. Azerbaijan is often associated with the warmth of its people and its grand architecture. The country is clad with lush greenery on one side and mud volcanoes on the other.

As per Azerbaijan’s commitments under the UN 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, one of the key objectives of the country is to ensure a clean environment and become a green growth country.

Architecture of the Pavilion

The Azerbaijan pavilion follows a very simple design. To those far away, it may look like a pavilion with a giant leaf for a roof but to those near the structure, it will look like a tree with roots.

Visit the nature-inspired Azerbaijan Pavilion and take a leap towards sustainability when you visit the Expo, beginning this October. YouTube/@Expo2020Dubai

The pavilion will play into Expo 2020’s theme of sustainability by aiming to reduce carbon emission – through rainwater harvesting, solar power and natural ventilation – and will focus on the choices that have created an impact on the global environment. It hopes to spark conversation about the environment, especially among young people.

The leaf-shaped roof will act as an air cushion to cool high temperatures, and the large windows will absorb the sun’s rays, thereby reducing the penetration of light.

A green approach 

Inside the pavilion, visitors will be able to explore the 550-metre-square exhibition space, which will feature several interactive and multimedia experiences. The importance of planning towards a better and more sustainable environment for all will continue to remain the key focus of the space.

Visitors can also explore the 1,300-metre-square premises designed with gardens and walkways. These areas will centre on the themes of prosperity, peace, justice and wisdom. These green areas will also have seven pomegranate trees and 15 olive trees.

Did you know?
Known as the ‘King of Fruits’ in Azerbaijan, the pomegranate is considered to be a national symbol, and was also the inspiration behind the logo for the European Games of 2015. Olives, on the other hand, have been widely cultivated in the country.

Post the Expo, 75 per cent of the pavilion’s materials will be reused or recycled in order to contribute to and stay on track for global sustainability.