Abu Dhabi; Houston and the Abu Dhabi will be launching joint ventures in oil and gas, renewable energy, medical and nanotechnologies aviation and aerospace industries, Houston Mayor Annise Parker told Gulf News on Sunday. “I am on an eight-day visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar. I am on a three-day official visit to the UAE where I will be meeting with Emirates airlines, Mubadala, Masdar and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc),” the mayor said.

She added that the 38 member delegation accompanying her will be discussing business expansion and cooperation between Houston and the UAE with their Emirati counterparts.

“This trade mission will not only enhance our existing foreign business relationships, but also provide opportunities for new partnerships with public and private organisations in each country,” said Mayor Parker.

She said: “Houston’s strength as an energy capital will help businesses looking for new ventures or strategic links in this part of the world and, inversely, place Houston at the forefront when Middle Eastern businesses contemplate future international business models.”

NASA has granted 10 internships for UAE post graduates who seek higher education at its facilities, said Mayor Parker.

Regional leaders

“Our visit as a delegation to the three countries is because they are regional leaders in, long known to the rest of the world for their bountiful oil and gas resources. As in Houston, while energy is still king, the economies of these countries are diversifying into value-added sectors like health care, logistics/transportation, education and engineering which are of due concern to us,” the mayor continued.

With regard to sister city association between Houston and Abu Dhabi, the mayor said: “We have seen amazing growth in the Emirati presence at OTC as a result, and are looking to build on this at future Offshore Technology Conference. Right now we are working to bring a Consulate General of the UAE to Houston, and I believe that there is a great deal of opportunity here to promote our cities’ relationship and to create future opportunities. In general, I believe we have nowhere to go but up, and I feel very blessed to be a small part of helping Houston and Abu Dhabi grow our connections in terms of business, culture, service, and charity,” she said.

The mayor added that community-oriented and international humanitarian services are important aspects of many international cities, and establishing such programmes in Abu Dhabi serves to further promote friendship.

“I am very enthusiastic about how we can work through this initiative to make further exchanges and be more active in both cities,” stressed Mayor Parker.

Infrastructure projects

The UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have reconfigured expectations for petro-economies by investing heavily in major infrastructure projects, scientific and cultural undertakings, and providing an array of business incentives which have brought some of the world’s largest corporations to their business community.

One of the goals of this trip will be to facilitate new business partnerships and express the importance of maintaining existing ones. Mayor Parker in particular will strengthen international relations and advance Houston’s business, economic, political and commercial objectives in the Middle East, which include increasing trade between the two regions.

The delegation includes representatives from the Port of Houston, Houston Airport System, Texas Medical Centre and the Greater Houston Partnership, along with corporate leaders as well as small and medium-size business owners interested in conducting business in the Gulf region. The trip is sponsored by the Bilateral US-Arab Chamber of Commerce.

With more than 2.2 million residents, the city of Houston attracts visitors and transplants with a wonderful mix of world-class arts, booming business, pro sports and award-winning cuisine.