Mr Mahmood Ahmadu – founder of Africa’s leading multi-business IT conglomerate and executive chairman of Online Integrated Solutions (OIS)
Mr. Mahmood Ahmadu – Founder of Africa’s leading multi-business IT conglomerate and executive chairman of Online Integrated Solutions (OIS) Image Credit: Supplied

In an online event held on August 6th 2021, Foreign Investment Network (FIN), in partnership with Forbes, celebrated outstanding African achievers in business, politics, innovation, leadership, and the economy; honouring them as part of the Forbes Best of Africa Awards.

Online Integrated Solutions (OIS), a specialist visa application agency that provides online passport, visa processing, and technical support services for governments; was selected as the recipient under the ‘Corporate Visionary Leadership’ category. Mr. Mahmood Ahmadu – founder of Africa’s leading multi-business IT conglomerate and executive chairman of OIS – received the prestigious award, on behalf of the company.

The awards is a result of several months of concerted research and verification, by FIN and Forbes; which identified change makers and innovators that are making outstanding contributions towards building a prosperous and equitable future, for Africa and Africans.

OIS Award
Image Credit: Supplied

The Chairman of the Foreign Investment Network (FIN) Group, Mrs Olayinka Fayomi, delivered the welcome address at the event. A goodwill message was delivered by The Vice President of Nigeria, Prof’ Yemi Osinbajo (SAN), who was represented by the Minister of Trade and Investment Otunba Niyi Adebayo; the keynote address was delivered by Pastor Paul Adefarasin, President of the Rock Foundation; and the awards were presented by Mark Furlong, President of Customs Solutions, Forbes.

A strong believer in the transformative power of technology, Mr Ahmadu began his entrepreneurial career at a young age. In the years since, his business interests have come to span the Mining, Real Estate, Construction, Agriculture, Bottled Water, E-education, E-healthcare, and Fintech industries; with a current footprint extending across 53 nations, in 5 continents. OIS is part of Mr Ahmadu’s vision for a future-ready and digitally empowered Africa.

Responding to the recognition, Mr. Ahmadu thanked the Foreign Investment Network and Forbes, as well as his team of colleagues at OIS; congratulating them on their collective commitment to a technology led transformation across Africa.

“I would like to thank FIN and Forbes for this recognition, and express my appreciation of the talented team at OIS; who are constantly motivated, dreaming big, and aspiring for world-class excellence”. Further “As a conglomerate, we are proud of our team, their conviction and hardwork, which are the key to the rise of a world class IT conglomerate. We are also proud of our African roots, and passionate about empowering our customers with innovative solutions.