Security officials check a vehicle at Chaman on Pakistan-Afghan border on Wednesday. Pakistan blocked for more than two months the Nato supply line to protest air strike on two of its military check posts in the Mohmand tribal region that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. Image Credit: EPA

Islamabad: The Pakistani army met with Nato and Afghan forces yesterday in an effort to improve coordination along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, a sign of thawing relations after air strikes accidentally killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last year.

Pakistan was outraged by the November 26 attack on two of its Afghan border posts and claimed it was deliberate. Islamabad retaliated by closing its border to supplies meant for Nato troops in Afghanistan and by kicking the US out of a base used by American drones.

But tensions seemed to have eased slightly, with Pakistani officials saying in recent days the government should reopen its border to Nato supplies as long as it can negotiate higher fees.

The United States and Pakistan have had a troubled relationship, but both sides have an interest in preventing it from rupturing completely. The US needs Pakistan's help to fight Al Qaida and negotiate peace with the Taliban in Afghanistan, while Islamabad is keen on keeping billions of dollars in American aid flowing.

Yesterday's meeting took place at a border coordination centre in Torkham, a city on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, the Pakistani army said. The operations chief for the Pakistani army, Major General Ashfaq Nadeem attended, it said.

The US and Pakistan disagree who should be blamed for the incident in November, which occurred in the middle of the night as US and Afghan forces were conducting operations near the border inside Afghanistan.

The Pakistani army rejected a US investigation that said mistakes were made on both sides and blamed Pakistani troops for triggering the incident by shooting at coalition forces.

Pakistan said its soldiers were shooting at Islamist militants who were nowhere near the coalition troops. It blamed US forces for the incident because they failed to notify their Pakistani counterparts that they were conducting operations near the border.

The US has said its commanders believe some of their military operations have been compromised when they've given details to the Pakistanis.

The US has acknowledged that efforts to determine who was firing on the American troops and whether there were friendly Pakistani forces in the area failed because US forces used inaccurate maps, were unaware of Pakistani border post locations and mistakenly provided the wrong location for the troops.