Hyderabad: A software professional escaped rape in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh after she raised the alarm via text message.

Deputy Commissioner of Police T. Kranti Rana said a case had been filed against an unidentified man who abducted a 25-year-old and tried to sexually assault her in her car on Friday. He fled the scene leaving her dazed after she managed to raise the alarm via SMS.

According to the police, the victim had gone to a temple in Khajaguda on Thursday morning but forgot to lock her car.

When she returned a man grabbed her from behind and threatened her with a knife.

Speaking in English, the man said he meant no harm and only needed a lift.

Police said the man forced the victim to drive to the Outer Ring Road. They passed a toll gate without suspicion, possible due to the car's tinted windows.

When they reached an isolated place, the man tried to attack the victim.

She managed to send a text message to her friend, who in turn alerted the police.

She has since been examined by doctors, while police believe they found the attacker's finger prints inside the car.