Harish Chib, Vice President, Middle East and Africa, Sophos

Cybersecurity is becoming so complex that most organisations cannot keep up and need every advantage. Attackers constantly evolve their techniques to bypass defenses, requiring high agility from security vendors and organisations to respond effectively. Sophos delivers superior cybersecurity outcomes by giving customers the advantages they urgently need.

As a global leader and innovator of advanced cybersecurity solutions, Sophos will showcase its latest cybersecurity innovations and services including Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Sophos Incident Response services that can help organisations achieve optimal cybersecurity results by implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy. Additionally, Sophos will also highlight the new Sophos Incident Response Retainer and focus on its complete, integrated, Cybersecurity as a service (CSaaS) that combines best-of-breed security services, software, and human expertise in a single, holistic solution.

Harish Chib, Vice President, Middle East and Africa, Sophos, says, “The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and there have been significant shifts in both business environments and the methods used in cyberattacks. Organisations are better secured against cyberattacks with Sophos Managed Detection and Response (MDR) as an added layer because of the 24/7 human experts who monitor and react to indicators of intruders before they can launch a full-scale attack such as ransomware.”

Sophos has recently signed StarLink, an Infinigate Group Company as a distribution partner in the Middle East and Levant regions. StarLink will distribute and promote Sophos’ portfolio of solutions, including Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services and network, endpoint and messaging cybersecurity, through its extensive channel network.