No more blood!

This is so disturbing ("Turning on Quran unconscionable, says scholar", Gulf News, September 10). It's as if I am dreaming and all this is not true [news about call by US-based pastor to burn copies of Quran on September 11]. We have to learn to respect all religions if we want to live in peace on this planet. This planet is for all of us to share. So, why cannot we all live in harmony? Nobody is going to win or lose by burning the holy book of another religion. There will only be more blood and death on the streets. So, all fanatic creeps should back off and let us simple human beings live in peace.

From Ms Sadie Jooff Sweden


[The pastor of] a tiny obscure ‘church’ is planning to burn the Quran. Millions of Americans, including President Obama, every member of the government, ministers from across the US, and ordinary Americans have all condemned the very idea. Yet the reaction across the Muslim world is: “Death to America!” Muslims rightly protest the collective punishment in Palestine and the unjust branding of every Muslim as a terrorist, but somehow have no trouble tainting Americans with the very brush they don’t want used on them. We saw the same reaction to a tiny obscure paper in Denmark that printed cartoons that no other Dane endorsed.

From Mr Scot Danner,  Dubai

Stay calm

I would say this is one of the most horrible acts in history. By doing this, America is challenging terrorist groups to respond. For world peace and non-violence this is not a proper solution, whereby you hurt the feelings of a whole community. I condemn this act strongly and I urge US President Obama to interfere before it’s too late. This act will certainly have an adverse effect on Americans. Muslims will not want to be pushed into violence. But, this is a big challenge thrown at the Muslim community. I urge all Muslims around the world to be calm and not to react in any form of violence.

From Mr Jamil, Dubai

Respect all

Acts like this not only denounce Christianity and portray it be a violent and partial religion but it also calls for great discomfort among different religions. There is a common understanding that every religion, no matter what, is to be respected and its holy books and teachings to not be mocked. This is nothing but another reason to create havoc!

From Ms Maude Rego, Dubai

Where is the media?
How much dumber will the world get? It will raise hatred in those people who were least bothered. Where is the media now, saying that this is the way of terrorists, promoting aggression against Muslims? Nothing is going to be gained.

From Mr Moak Khan, Abu Dhabi

Do not insult

Being a Muslim, my religion — Islam — has taught me to respect all religions and never insult anyone’s faith. Islam, is the only faith other than Christianity, which believes in the Prophet Eisa. The path of Jesus has always been the path of peace, love and brotherhood. But this particular pastor is professing hatred, vengeance and division among the masses. So how can he be a Christian? Can he justify his act with the Bible?

From Mr Jasem, Sharjah

Political act

It is nothing but a political game by the Republicans to provoke Muslims worldwide to retaliate against Americans, so as to gain support to oppose the construction of the proposed Ground Zero mosque. However, Muslims will never indulge in such retaliation as Islam teaches tolerance and morality. Such an ugly act will not only question US religious freedom but also prove that they are more nervous now than at any other time, as they witness Islam growing fast in the country.

From Mr Kareem Navaz, Doha, Qatar

This is not America!

As an American, I am deeply offended by the words and proposed actions of this so-called church. I am revolted by their ignorance and the ignorance of the few followers. I want to remind readers that this is not the sentiment and mentality of most Americans. We are a country that was founded on the principles of equality and religious freedom. Just as Muslims do not want the actions of a few fanatics to represent Islam, most Americans do not want the actions of a few uneducated fools to stand as a representation of the beliefs of the United States. Take these people for what they are: uneducated, ignorant religious fanatics who have probably not even left the small town that they live in. Their world view is limited to their small minds and community. They do not represent America and they do not represent me. Please remember this. Don’t judge us all by the actions of a few ... very few. We are just as outraged.

From A Reader,  Dubai (Name withheld by request)

Absurd behaviour

On several visits [to home] in the US during my stay in Abu Dhabi, I have felt a growing anti-Islam feeling among some Americans. In my opinion, it’s totally absurd. I think it’s important that everyone understand that these are usually uneducated Americans who don’t even know a single Muslim living in the US and they don’t even care to communicate with Muslims. They just assume that all Muslims are bad because of what four bad men did on 9/11/2001, who called themselves Muslim. I blame all of this American anti-Islamic sentiment on the media in the US. The American media will do anything to get viewers’ attention; that’s what sells products and services they advertise. It’s totally absurd.

From Mr Dean Bush, Abu Dhabi

Desperate for peace

I feel hurt when I hear people are fighting in the name of religion. Being a Catholic, I strongly denounce the steps taken by the pastor and asking people to burn the Quran. It is nothing to do with the 9/11 attack and cannot relate this to a particular religion If we look at history, India suffered a lot after the Babri Mosque demolition in 1992 and Godhra carnage, Afghanistan and Iraq are still suffering due to unjustified attacks, Palestinian people are struggling to get their home back ... all in the name of religion! So it won’t be a surprise if the US is coming under attack due to this fanatic idea of burning a holy text. All religions are here to spread peace and not hatred. May God forgive the pastor and we all look forward to peace on this Earth.

From Mr Pradeep, Abu Dhabi

Learn from the good

I am a Christian. I totally condemn this proposed act by a group in the US. This does not reflect the teachings of Christianity. We need to look at good teachings of Islam, which is similar to my faith. If this is done, there is no difference between the September 11 hijackers and the pastor. Shame! I pray that the Almighty works in their minds and changes their decision.

From Mr Rajith, Abu Dhabi

Affects society

There are Muslims all around the globe. The US has a Muslim population, too. So, when you have Muslims in your country and this kind of anti-social and anti-religious acts take place, it’s going to affect the society of that nation and other countries.

From Mr Mohammad Huss ain, Sharjah