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Over the years, the Central board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is known by people all around the world to be a very stressful curriculum environment for high school students, requiring them to indulge in high levels of rote learning for the sake of high percentages during board exams - a requirement for prestigious universities in India.

Furthermore, this added pressure to score marks sees students spending every minute of their lives trying to memorise theories, laws, advantages or disadvantages of certain concepts, leaving no time for students to explore and learn new fields and areas of interest.

Moreover, this method of drowning in information leaves college students with no idea or passion in university. They are exhausted before their life even begins. they hate the idea of studying and learning.

Parents, ultimately end up frustrated with their child changing majors and children themselves end up confused with what their life is exactly about. Hence, as growing individuals, we need to realise our obsession with marks is wrong and we are not approaching learning correctly. We need to stop running after rankings and being determined to get into the best universities - at the expense of our children.

In that moment, news of marks make headlines and we think that is what should be achieved but it won’t matter after the result day. It won’t help our youth grow professionally and it will hamper their growth. they will always look at learning negitively.

Lastly, it is not that good marks and exams aren’t important for a strong foundation - it helps students by giving them confidence and boosts their morale for future competition. But, it should not be a religion, it should not be an obsession it should be an educational enriching experience, without putting any pressure for marks.

Ultimately, marks may help students get into prestigious universities, but it may not give them jobs in a highly competitive job market, as today, employers receive millions of job applicants with stunning marks and 90 per cent in their final years, but do all the candidates with high scores get employed? Marks are not the standard to achieve. They are not guarantees for successful careers. People need to have passion, which can only be discovered when people are young. These qualities lay the foundation for successful careers - which can be fulfilled with potential hard work and determination later on.

- The reader is a writer based in Missouri, USA