Dubai residents line up for Covid-19 vaccination
Dubai residents line up for Covid-19 vaccination. Picture used for illustrative purpose Image Credit: Virendra Saklani/Gulf News photographer

I was taken aback when I read the first article. The second one has just plain infuriated me - two reports from an international news service accusing Dubai of opening up and causing uncontrolled spread of COVID-19.

Seriously? After having lived in this city for 25 years and most of that time spent as Readers Editor for Gulf News, the one thing I am confident about is knowing the people living in this emirate and in the UAE.

They follow rules, they stay because the land has made their families feel safe and secure with its clear structure and security. In fact, the UAE was one of the most, if not the most efficient in beating back the first wave of coronavirus.

Finally, after nearly a year, people are slowly getting back into the rhythm of their daily lives. Economic forecast is showing signs of good health. For the millions of expats and citizens of the UAE, that is a sign of relief and hope.

Extensive testing options at multiple low-cost levels across the country, free vaccines for all and strict monitoring means people are finally thinking of moving on.

Into this scenario of hope arrives rumour mongering journalism that is irresponsible and one that seems more driven by some sort of hidden agenda rather than the ground reality.

While the Western world battles mutations, lock downs and anti-vaccine campaigns, Dubai and the UAE move along with their safety measures in place.

Perhaps, I ask: Is it envy that this land seems to have controlled the pandemic onslaught extremely well?

I do not want to get into the petty conversation that these two pieces have indulged in, masquerading as international journalism - but do these 'international journalists' truly know the people living in the UAE, the land and its governance?

If they did, these pieces would never have seen light because then realisation would hit as to how far removed from ground reality they are!

All I can say, if you don't know, don't assume. Do some actual journalism or leave us alone!

All the people of the UAE are joined in this fight against COVID-19 and will always be responsible. Because what these articles imply is that all of us are a bunch of irresponsible people who need to be schooled every second of our existence with lock downs.

The UAE leaders have treated us with respect, I suggest the world follows suit.