For peaceful resolutions
The magnificent ideas expressed by Mike Moore ("Diplomacy can work … if we let it", Gulf News, October 25) are valuable in today's world.

In every sense, for measures to protect human rights through any missions, any commissions and any body of statute, it must be people-oriented and easily accessible.

The declining number of armed conflicts during the last decade is a remarkable achievement for an egalitarian society.

War and armed conflicts are not the only solutions. We must sit together and have peaceful tradeoffs and resolutions for conflicts.

The proposed Peace Building Commission and Human Rights Council would be good steps towards that end.
From Mr I. Azim

Try at The Hague
I refer to the editorial "The reality is not what is obvious" (Gulf News, October 27). Saddam Hussain may or may not be the vile person the West makes him out to be, but by making a mockery of his trial, we shall not know the truth ever.

If credibility is to be achieved, Saddam must be tried at The Hague by an international jury and not by the accused's avowed enemies, chosen by a government backed by the occupier.

Otherwise Saddam is being made into a hero, as your polls show. A sizeable number of young people already idolise him and soon a legend will be built around him.
From Ms G. Dube

I am shocked that the Brazilians have rejected the proposed gun ban (Gulf News, October 25). Brazil has the world's highest gun death rate, which should be a reason good enough for the citizens to accept the proposal to make the country safer.

In the article, Alberto Fraga said such a proposal is an "attempt to take a right away from the citizen".

Is he talking about "the right to kill"? The Brazilians have created a huge blunder by rejecting this proposal.
From Ms A. D'Souza

In his article "In their hour of need, Pakistanis unite" (Gulf News, October 26) Husain Haqqani's ludicrous suggestion that General Pervez Musharraf pardon Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif is akin to asking the convicted mass murderer Dr Harold Shipman to return to the emergency room during a crisis.

A total disaster is the inevitable result. Bhutto and Sharif should volunteer to return their stolen billions during this earthquake disaster before any reconciliation is considered.
From Mr B. Ahamad
Abu Dhabi

Be nice to others
Ramadan is a time of introspection, restraint and heightened spirituality.

However, it is a pity the impolite behaviour of some drivers in Dubai has become an extra test of patience.

Drivers who give way do so out of courtesy, so please refrain from flashing insistently, honking, shouting or making gestures.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

There are many clinics operating in residential buildings, mostly in the heart of the city, that could be a cause for concern to families, especially children.

Many patients using the lifts can spread viruses of airborne diseases that can be passed on to the tenants.

The least the authorities could do is to allow the clinics to operate only on the ground or the mezzanine floor so the use of lifts by patients would be limited.

Similarly, cafeterias in residential buildings should be prohibited as they have large gas cylinders placed outside the building, which is dangerous.
From Mr R. Sridhar

Treat them well
In Sharjah, even though the ministry of education insists on paying a decent salary to the teachers, they are not even paid the minimum salary.

Even a receptionist at an office gets a salary much better than a teacher's.

Can you imagine a high school teacher who prepares the pupils for the board examinations is being paid just Dh1,500. He has to teach all the eight subjects in a day and take extra classes on Thursdays.

Don't you think that teachers should be treated much better? They build up the base of our children who become the torch bearers of the next generation.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Breach of contract
I commend the teachers at a Pakistani school who came out and raised the issue of being paid less than the agreed salary in their contract (Gulf News, October 23).

It is fact! My mother, who was a teacher in one of the Pakistani schools in the UAE, experienced the same.

It is time the ministry of education intervenes and thoroughly investigates the matter.
From A Reader
Manama, Bahrain
Name withheld by request

Panda means peace
I read the news item "Giant panda cub finally gets a name" (Gulf News, October 18).

"Peace mountain" is a great choice for this adorable animal. Pandas have always stood for peace, love and hope, and will always remain so.
From Mr B. Proctor

Clash of the trolleys
My family was lucky enough to escape unhurt while shopping at a mall in Abu Dhabi on October 14.

A group of three children, in the age group of 12-14, were on the first floor practising car crash- like stunts with shopping trolleys!

They were just crashing against each other destroying public property with no consideration for women (some of them pregnant) and children around.

The security there just did not care when I complained; maybe they were watching the fun.

Should the parents of such rowdy children be punished for their offsprings' behaviour?
From Mr F. Ashreff
Abu Dhabi