Creatively green
Recently, my family decided to pick one day in a week when we would not watch television. We seem to have a lot of time on our hands and prefer spending the day reading books, chatting and going for long walks. After the first 'No Television Day', we all felt refreshed and possessed a sense of achievement. We never thought we could make it through the entire day without watching television. I hope every family does something similar and discovers creative ways of saving electricity. I think I am eco-friendly after all!
From Ms Deepa Suraj

'Goof' News
Gulf News, you are 'Goof' News! In the past few weeks, the newspaper has become horrible. An edition published a few days ago was truly pathetic and the icing on the cake was the recycled letters to the editor section - fantastic job for 'Go Green'! I would not be surprised if Gulf News began delivering last year's newspapers republished with this year's date, in order to protect the environment. Doesn't the newspaper's staff understand English? If they are not familiar with the language, I recommend sending them for a crash course to India.
From Ms Veronica P. Rosario
Mumbai, India

Facing challenges
Nowadays, children are used to consuming junk food, such as chips and soft drinks, at school ("New initiative may see UAE schools go healthier", Gulf News, November 4). Often, they do not prefer eating healthy food, since they find such food to be more appealing. The initiative to introduce healthier options is great, especially for younger children, as schools play an important role in a child's well being and development. Additionally, the curriculum has become harder and children need to have a balanced diet in order to acquire good health and face future challenges.
From Ms Bushra
Website comment

Accepting change
My six-year-old daughter asks me for Dh3 every day, in order to buy pizza from the school canteen. She says she buys it just because her friends do. I am grateful to the authorities for the healthy food initiative. It would be difficult for parents to reject this idea, since children do not have many options in school cafeterias. It is the school's responsibility to emphasise on healthy eating, as children spend a considerable time in schools.
From Ms Neelam
Website comment

Honest advice
The recent global financial crisis has affected the economy and stock markets all over the world ("Invest or sell out", Speak Your Mind, Gulf News, November 7). Share prices are much lower than their market value and it is room for further decline. I would like to advise investors to wait till the market settles or they could gradually accumulate shares at different levels according to their preference.
From Mr Adnan Ahmad

Losing a fortune
I booked tickets for my family for an Umrah trip on Nas Air. However, due to a change in policy, we could not obtain visas to perform Umrah. I called the airline's contact centre to cancel the booking, well in advance of the actual flight. However, I was charged Dh98 per passenger for cancellation, even though a charge of Dh49 was clearly mentioned when I got the booking. Additionally, they allowed me to use the remaining credit within three months, which was not possible. This facility can only be used while travelling for pilgrimage and Umrah visas will only be issued a month after Haj. If they do not extend this period, I will lose quite a fortune.
From Mr Amjad A. Awan

Editor's note: The complaint was forwarded to the management of Nas Air for comments. However, despite repeated reminders they failed to respond.

Away with egos
I read Gulf News's report on divorce rate with great interest ("Dubai programme aims to avert divorce, reduce spinsterhood", Gulf News, November 3). I think a marriage could be successful if the couple does not allow a third person to interfere in their life. Patience and mutual understanding is compulsory. Additionally, if the couple is certain that they want to spend the rest of their lives together, they should not be egotistical. Both individuals in a marriage have equal rights. However, if the couple is dependent and relies on family members, there is possibility of clashes.
From Ms Celine Fernandes
Abu Dhabi

Compromise is key
I think marriages are all about understanding each other. We need to respect our spouse's point of view and value each other's opinions. One factor that affects a marriage is a couple's mindset, which is influenced to a certain extent by their upbringing. Often, each partner wants to control the situation and complicate matters. However, I think at least one partner should compromise when things get out of hand. If a couple cannot stay happy together, it would be better for them to part decently. I request everyone to weigh the pros and cons before making any commitment.
From Mr Sameer Sam

Hope for a miracle
I vividly remember the Finnish patient from Dubai Hospital ("Coma woman and husband reunite after nearly five years in Dubai", Gulf News, November 3). When my relative was admitted to the hospital over a year ago, she was placed in a nearby bed. She was alone and the nursing staff took care of her very well. We are quite happy that the Finnish woman was finally able to return to her loved ones. I will continue praying for her and hope her husband's wish for a miracle comes true.
From Mr Khalid Khan