Humanity dying
Where are those voices that walk in the path of peace (‘Syria massacre draws strong condemnation’, Gulf News, May 27)? Killers are still enjoying the way they brutally finish both children and adults. Is there any organisation to stop this massacre forever? Is the world still of dominating capitalists? Where are those poets and religious figures who deliver lengthy speeches for humanity, peace, love and tradition? Stop it immediately, otherwise the whole world is equally responsible for not giving justice for these innocent people. Law and order is important for both civilians as well as rulers. I am sure all Arab countries will take an immediate resolution against this massacre.
From Mr Shanavas

Don’t act like children
Issues like these highlight the fact that road safety should not be left to cameras and speed radars (‘Car seats for children: Unsafe at any speed’, Gulf News, May 28). We need more police patrols on the roads. In many countries, booster seats and baby car seats are mandatory. Even being caught leaving a child alone in a car for ‘a few seconds’ would earn an instant reprimand at the very least. Driving is a serious responsibility, one that extends to other motorists, pedestrians, and every person that the driver allows inside the vehicle. If the driver is not willing to pay the cost of that responsibility then they should not be given the privilege of driving. For a parent, the safety of a child should be considered far above cost and comfort. Everyone would be horrified at the thought of seeing an adult holding a child over a precarious ledge, but that’s virtually what parents do every time they drive with their children without a car seat or seatbelts. The car itself is a speeding missile driving at 100 kilometres per hour along Shaikh Zayed Road. It’s time for all parents to start acting like adults who value safety over comfort and convenience.
From Mr Ian


Bad evaluation
Gulf News Chief Cricket Writer K.R. Nayar has carried the Indian Premier League (IPL) to a higher level than it deserves (‘The battle of captains fantastic’, Gulf News, May 27). That captain of Kolkata Knight Riders Gautam Gambhir would be considered for national captaincy based on this tournament is a poor observation. IPL is a masala event designed to provide tamasha for the public and make the investors earn their returns, and nothing more. I understand that it is Twenty20 and it provides some excitement to spectators, but it cannot be a platform for evaluation of a player. Although players performing well in IPL may get a look-in, their real merit would be performing on international wickets against well knit units that represent their country. The writer may have forgotten that recently Gambhir was relieved of the position of vice-captaincy and that Virat Kohli took over.
From Mr R. Vasudevan


Cyber over reality
I agree that Facebook and all sorts of similar applications are leading to cyber infidelity (‘Cyber infidelity is creeping out of the virtual domain’, Gulf News, May 28). It is wasting everyone’s precious time with unnecessary videos, documents, comments and photos. We have to think a hundred times if we really have to spend our life in front of these applications over giving attention to our beloved family — we have to decide. I also agree that there should be some control when it comes to students using them.
From Mr Sham


The old-fashion way
If you want to socialise then socialise with your family and neighbours. We have a wire that connects people across the globe but we don’t have a tool that connects us to our neighbours. The internet is very good for research and news, but social networking will create problems sooner or later.
From Mr Sadat Allah Khan


How it’s used
Social media helps create new relations. But there are problems associated with this — there is no point in making new relations if you don’t care about maintaining the existing ones. People are always eager to make new friends, but this is where a number of problems arise. Failure to choose the right or wrong ones while making friends can result in much bigger problems. Many people fall for the fake information provided by some abusive users and end up getting cheated. It can be concluded that social media can be efficiently used with the effective implementation of security measures and by spreading awareness among users.
From Mr Zulfiqar


No trust
Anyone who is in a marriage and suspects their partner of infidelity needs to realise that it does not require WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or any other network to cheat on a spouse. The one who wants to cheat, will cheat regardless of anything. Marriage is based on trust. Once the trust is gone then there is
no marriage in the real sense.
From Ms Vivian Rodrigues