Trying to maintain a balance

My feelings about the internet are mixed. I personally depend on many aspects of it in my daily life. My son, who is 11 years old, has been using the internet since the age of four, with early learning programs. The school he attends has always encouraged doing a large portion of the class work via tablets. However, there is a need for balance. I strive to make sure that we have internet-free time at home. When homework is done, the computer goes off. We have board game night three times a week; no video games, no television and no internet. Every evening, right after homework is done, I give my son a choice between a one-hour bike ride, swimming, a hike at the park or surfing. All week, he has chores and gets a coloured stone for each job completed. He uses these to earn time to play video games or watch television. Or he can save them up and at the end of the month, cash them in for something big, like a trip to the water park or things of that nature. He has a mobile phone, but is only allowed to use it when we are apart — and it’s not for online use or texting, just for emergencies only. I am the biggest phone user, with most time spent texting and posting on social media. But, even I follow the rules of not using the phone during our time together and at meal times, and we turn off all phones when we are in the car.

From Ms Sussanne Cherrie


Failing to prioritise

It is extremely sad to hear of issues such as electronic infidelity, high divorce rates, domestic rifts and failed marriages, as a result of excessive usage and dependence on the internet. I believe the internet is a great way to be connected with the world. However, technology should be used in moderation, for it can take a toll on our lives and relationships without us realising it. In recent times, technology has taken over our lives, like a storm. Sadly, people have started to value virtual relationships and are compromising in real ones, thus an increase in unsuccessful marriages and divorces. It’s not only spousal relationships that suffer, but also others. The situation has become so bad that people sitting in a gathering or at home, no longer talk to each other but are glued to their phones. My brother and I sometimes communicate through social media, despite us living in the same house. It is a very disturbing trend and is making us lazy. But at the end of it, we are to be blamed for we take decisions and fail to prioritise affairs.

From Ms Fatima Suhail


Playing a helping role

The internet plays a major role in society. People are coming closer together, with its introduction. One has to take it in a positive spirit and use it sensibly. Facebook is playing a vital role for over a billion people to be able to communicate with each other and be closer. I believe that the internet is useful and the risk of it dominating its users is becoming lesser. It is, in fact, really helping people.

From Mr K. Ragavan Krishnamachary

Bengaluru, India

We are responsible

The internet itself is not to blame; it does not make decisions, people do. Hence, the responsibility lies with the user and how often the internet is used, or abused.

From Ms Em Dodds


Affecting relationships

The internet has helped mankind to nurture skills and evolve. Through the internet, humanity has gained a lot of both positive and negative behaviours. But, I am definitely not included in that percentage of people who are allowing it to affect personal relationships. The internet is an escape from reality and a deceiving place.

From Ms Maitha Bin Abdul Al Khalifa


Two sides to a coin

The internet is good for humanity, but only when used in a certain limit and for a good cause. There are always two sides to a coin and it depends on which one you choose.

From Ms Viviyana James


It all depends on usage

The internet has its advantages, if used wisely. But, it can also be destructive if used negatively. It all depends on your usage.

From Mr Darrel Mousmie

Oxfordshire, England

Be careful what you believe in

There is a lot on the internet that is just plain false, and people who don’t investigate, take it for the truth. It’s nice to be able to look up some historical information, but you have to be careful what you believe.

From Ms Alice W.


Use it in moderation

The internet has both good and bad qualities. What is required is moderation when using it. Just like medicine, if you take it beyond the prescribed dosage, surely, it will affect health negatively.

From Ms Aisha Salekh

Quezon City, Philippines

Avoid the obsession

Abuse of anything in life is tantamount to destruction. Even if your water intake is beyond normal levels, you find that your body’s system gets disturbed. Therefore, obsession for the internet must be avoided.

From Mr Otunba Oyebukola Abayomi


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