An Indian Muslim girl holds up a banner during a protest against the raid by Israeli commandos on a Gaza-bound flotilla of activists Image Credit: AP

An Israeli announcement that it will ease its stranglehold blockade on Gaza is not worth the paper it is written on. It is merely the latest in a long line of deceptive manoeuvrings and statements coming from Tel Aviv, about as sincere a promise that the Jewish state would not build any more colonies in Occupied Jerusalem.

It is a ploy and propaganda meant to salvage some international standing after the entire world witnessed Israeli diplomacy at work — a full-fledged murderous marine assault on the peaceful Freedom Flotilla earlier this month.

While Israeli words point to an easing of the blockade, Israeli deeds are those of repression and racism, sealing off the impoverished people of the Gaza Strip from all but the most basic necessities. Since when are children's crayons and colouring books materials of war? Since when is cement and roofing materials, needed to repair homes wantonly destroyed by Israeli aggressors during their invasion of Gaza, materials of war? And why are wheelchairs, needed to carry the paralysed and persecuted Palestinians, articles of terror?

The hollow words of Israel ring loudest given the acknowledgement that the Jewish state will still maintain its crippling naval blockade on Gaza.

There should be no partial lifting of the blockade on land — that merely serves to give Tel Aviv the right to exercise its totalitarian control on free movement of goods, produce and medicines into Gaza. As it is, the Israeli occupiers determine what few goods can enter, decide when those can enter, shut down the border posts at will, turn off the supply of water at will, and allow only those they determine not to be security risks to enter and leave the Strip.

There is only one just solution to this situation. Israel must lift its illegal blockade on Gaza with no exceptions. A free movement of goods, a free Gaza.