Experts say sinusitis does not have to be a life-long problem Image Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Dubai, That sinusitis cannot be cured is a big misconception people have, say doctors in the UAE. “Sinusitis does not have to be a life-long problem. But many times patients don’t seek treatment as they feel there’s no sure cure for the condition. But this is totally untrue. It is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions people have. Today we have the most advanced treatments that can rid you of the problem,” Dr Udaya Chand Das, specialist otolaryngology, ENT surgeon, Jumeirah Terrace Speciality (JTS) Medical Centre, told XPRESS.

Sinusitis occurs when the cavities in the nose become swollen and inflamed due to allergies, auto-immune disorders or infections. Patients commonly suffer headaches, runny or blocked nasal passage and facial pain. According to statistics by the Dubai Health Authority, about 20 per cent of the UAE population suffers from chronic sinusitis.

“We see at least five to six patients with the condition daily. I would guess about 50 per cent of the people here have sinus related problems,” Dr Das said.

The weather in the UAE also plays a huge role. Sand particles in the air as well as humidity can trigger the condition. The doctor said that it is crucial to identify the problem and seek medical help as soon as possible to avoid worsening of the condition and causing complications.

“If you do not treat sinusitis in time, it could become chronic and the infection could spread to the ears, lungs or eyes,” said Dr Magdy Dhakeb, senior consultant, head of ENT, RAK Hospital.

Advancement in treatments has minimised the risks associated with surgery. “We now use laser and image guided surgery to treat sinusitis and it is quite safe. The youngest patient I have treated was only six years old,” said Dr Das.