Noha and Seven Media's Damian Brandy at the APi CAE Gourmet launch in Abu Dhabi. Image Credit: Supplied picture

Week six, day one

Life changes with the life coach

During the weekend, I had Always Look After Number Two by Galina Imrie as my beach read. The book was a gift from Kay when I had my first colonic hydrotherapy. It is an eye opener, written in a very simple yet interesting way. It’s great for me given that I’ve been suffering for over seven months with digestive issues as it not only gives advice, but it also explains what’s really going on in there. Now that’s what I call reintroducing me to myself again indeed! Can also work as an unusual ice breaker!!! 

And on Saturday afternoon what a better way to finish off your weekend than to get a recap session with one of your favorite women? I met with Patricia four our final session. She thought it would be better to meet after our main four sessions to check how are things going and all. I was hypnotised again (Patricia’s gift to me along with 2 life coaching CDs that I find thrilling) and it was simply awesome… Again! 

I can say with real confidence that, with Patricia’s help and my willingness to change, I did change. I am at peace and that reflects on every single aspect of my life. I couldn’t be more thankful. 

I can’t deny that when it was time for goodbyes at the door I felt a bit sad. I really like Patricia as a woman, not only because she was my life coach – of course she’s helped me see the light, see what I refused to see for a long time, and for that I owe her and can never thank her enough – but also she’s a very sweet, sincere woman who every time I chat with I feel as if I’m chatting with a friend. Life coaching changed my life to being the best it can be at the moment, and my life can only move forward and get better. The key is to always focus on what I want. It’s an ongoing process where you have to move forward. There’s no more looking back, and the change is already happening. 

Week six, day two

Sparkling with the VIPs at APi CAE in Abu Dhabi

Louisa sent me an invite to attend the launch of a new Italian restaurant in Abu Dhabi, where the food is organic… at first I thought about how many times I kinda deviated from my diet and workout last week (I had a busy week and our ladies’ night out still haunts me!) But then again, Italian + organic? Diet or not, I was going. 

So I grabbed my girlfriend Bredjette and we headed to APi CAE GOURMET on the ground floor of Khalidiya Tower on Abu Dhabi Corniche. We were greeted warmly by Damian Brandy, the PR and Communication director. After the introductions, we got to know more about the restaurant’s concept. I was delighted to know that now at the capital we have an authentic Italian cuisine that will bring a new culinary philosophy to Abu Dhabi. The restaurant specialises in homemade Italian breads, pastas and pizzas, all created with organic ingredients sourced from UAE and Italy (just writing about it makes me hungry). 

Let’s just say that with my love for Italian food and now having APi CAE in town now, doesn’t really help my diet plan and I’m sure won’t make Sarah (nutritionist) or Vanessa (personal trainer) happy!

We got to meet HH Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al Nahyan and the Italian ambassador to the UAE, Giorgio Starace, as they attended the restaurant opening. The whole atmosphere was very warm - the staff were friendly and I loved their uniform! Speaking about APi CAE Gourmet, Mr Starace said, “It’s fantastic to have such an authentic Italian restaurant on our doorstep. I have been searching for something like this ever since I arrived in the UAE.” 

I tried to stick to my diet but how on Earth was I going to do that when the food looked and tasted so good? So I did the best I could do at the time and had their healthy signature dish (chicken with orange, veggies and ratatouille) followed by tiramisu. Healthy with a twist! 

After Bridgette and I left APi CAE in our sky-high heels, we headed for some green tea outdoors on the Corniche (both of us are huge fans of green tea, especially after a meal). The weather was unbelievably beautiful. Not really the outfit we’d choose for a low-key girls’ tea outing, but who cares - we had a blast!! 

Week six, day four

Big changes

A few things happened this week that made me certain that taking on this challenge was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Firstly, I realised that I’m much more comfortable being outside of my comfort zone than before – I’d always liked taking on situations that were new to me, but in the past I didn’t really create them. This week I did. And I feel very good and proud. 

Week six, day six

A medieval letter

What is it like to start your day being informed that you have a hand-written letter with a medieval red seal on it? I’ll tell you – it’s absolutely amazing. And it made my day – and entire weekend in fact – because I very much appreciate the effort someone puts in to writing and mailing something like that. You can always email ­– most of us are guilty of that and I would be the first – but there’s nothing like receiving a hand-written letter. It’s something about the smell of the paper, the anticipation, reading name written on it… Today I received a letter from someone who constantly proves to be special. It’s another proof that it’s always the little, small things that count. 

Note to self: I am truly blessed with all the people in my life…. Hamdullah.