From countless prospects XPRESS handpicks five young men who have the right mix of attitude, charisma and stylish flair – the parameters required to make it to our list of Dubai's most interesting if not the most eligible bachelors. Awad Mustafa sizes up Vishal, Jordan, Wonho, Mustafa and Bruno.

Vishal Kewalramani

A self-made entrepreneur, this 28-year-old Indian runs his own modelling, events and entertainment agency and has lived in Dubai all his life.

"Except while I was away for college," Vishal quickly emphasises.

He drives a Hummer – but is pining for a Bentley – and loves to swim or play snooker in his free time.

His take on relationships I'm honest, but very possessive. I can get turned off pretty quickly if the relationship has no substance or element of fun. I like having a relationship that's dynamic and stimulating.

* Which bachelor is the hottest? Vote in our poll.

What does he expect from his partner? To be open-minded and supportive

Dream house Hollywood mansion in Beverly Hills

What iconic figure does he see himself as? Alexander the Great

His fantasy girl? Gisele Bundchen

Likes and dislikes about Dubai I like the fact that it's a cross-pollination of cultures and nationalities. We have over 10 nationalities in our office alone. What I don't like about Dubai is that it's materialistic.

Jordan Wyatt Baker

From flipping burgers to acting in theatres, this 27-year-old American engineer has come a long way at such a young age.

Jordan, who hails from the midwestern state of Minnesota, held several odd jobs before becoming an Applications Engineering Manager for a Dubai-based firm that supplies fire protection systems and equipment to buildings. "I was a burger flipper, master carpenter and rigger at the University Performing Arts Theatre, and worked all the way until I earned my engineering degree at MTU."

His take on relationships? Consideration for your partner is the most important aspect of a relationship.

What does he expect from his partner?Balance, mutual consideration and respect

Dream house Anywhere where it's quiet

What iconic figure does he see himself as?Aristotle

Fantasy woman Jennifer Aniston

Likes and dislikes about Dubai It's a great place to build your career. I can't think of anything that I dislike about the city.

Wonho Chung

Oozing with talent and a seemingly endless supply of humour and wit is an understatement in describing this 26-year-old Korean-Jordanian media executive and stand-up comedian.

"I worked in PR when I first moved to Dubai, then I moved to MBC as a producer, and now I'm working for Showtime Arabia as a producer/presenter as well as joining the Axis of Evil comedy trio."

Don't let his slim frame fool you into thinking that this chap is a wimp.

"I used to be a professional table tennis player, top eight in the men's division for three years running…so much for breaking the stereotype, huh?! I have done gymnastics and platform diving.

His take on relationship I'm definitely a romantic. I'd love doing things for my partner and surprising her every once in a while with something special when she least expects it. We have to share a lot of common interests and we must be driven and goal-oriented. Humour and intellect are also important.

What does he expect from his partner? I just ask for sincerity and trust. I wouldn't ask for anything if I enjoyed my partner's company, the rest will come naturally if you have a common understanding of each other.

Dream house A penthouse near Central Park in New York City

What iconic historical figure do you see yourself as? Albert Einstein

Fantasy person? Beyonce Knowles

Likes and dislikes about Dubai Dubai offers a great opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds. But there's still a cultural gap between communities. And I don't like that.

Mustafa Al Fadil

This 24-year-old Iraqi TV presenter describes himself as a "bike person" and loves to take those Harleys for a spin. He drives around town in a BMW 330.

His take on relationships? Caring, trustworthy, supportive

What does he expect from his partner? Give me space or I'll run away

Dream house Beach house in Dubai

What iconic figure does he see himself as? Nobody

Fantasy woman Catherine Zeta Jones

Likes and dislikes about Dubai Dubai's cosmopolitan nature is what I like best. I hate people with new-found wealth and a mad attitude.

Bruno A. Pelembe

He was a professional athlete and a film and acting student in the US, Portugal and Morocco, and a fashion model in the UK.

In Dubai, Bruno simply describes himself as an "entrepreneur".

A newbie in the Arabian Gulf, he has been in town for ... drum roll please ... one month.

His take on relationships?Most definitely caring, passionate, supportive, but don't let all that fool you! I can be pretty hard core and nasty – in a good way.

What does he expect from his partner? Loyalty and freedom! Don't be all up in my business.

Dream house Bachelor's pad in Jumeirah

What iconic figure does he see himself as? Nobody

Fantasy woman? None

Likes and dislikes about Dubai I like the strict rules and regulations on drinking, driving and violence. I dislike the fact that those who work hard do not get back in return what they deserve as opposed to those who do not do much.

Your comments

Please don't express hatred by sending a message anonymously! Mustapha is hot and great, so I vote for him!
Yamna, Netherlands
Posted: June 09, 2008, 12:08

Mustafa, Mustafa, Mustafa! Don’t forget he is a former Iraqi. Best thing about him is that his friends love him.
raza, UAE - Dubai
Posted: June 07, 2008, 11:00

I really must underline the fact that people have nothing better to do than bring people down. What really gets to me is that they start creating stories and ideas to really destroy one’s morale. I personally know Mustafa and I think he is one of the few guys out there that you can sit and have a decent conversation with. He’s very much into his own work and trying to leverage it to higher standards. Definitely gets my vote.
Joel, UAE - Dubai
Posted: June 05, 2008, 13:03

Jordan is the coolest!! I have done some research, and besides having a great attitude, I think he is the guy that invented fun.
Rick, UAE - Dubai
Posted: June 05, 2008, 04:26

I really don't think negative comments should be posted here. If you don't like someone then don't vote for them!
Anonymous, UAE - Dubai
Posted: June 05, 2008, 01:58

I think Mustapha shouldn’t even be here, he is unemployed, lives with his mom and dad, got a hand-me-down car from his x girlfriend and bums around looking for money all the time. I see no heat in that...Wonho, on the other hand, is successful, takes care of himself and has a growing career and a head on his shoulders. I will vote for Wonho definitely!
Anonymous, UAE - Dubai
Posted: June 02, 2008, 15:17

I like Jordan Wyatt to be the hottest bachelor's! He's cool and I like the way he answers your question!
Anonymous, UAE - Dubai
Posted: May 31, 2008, 21:34