mpi adventure
The MPI Adventure can stand on six ‘legs’ and tower above sea level – the strategy helps it withstand water-related natural disasters. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Kees Torn

Ever since men first built ships, they’ve been improving upon them, by pushing their imagination and testing the limits.

Click start to play today’s Spell It, where we show you a number of unique ‘ships’ that ply the seas today.

Not all ships look the same, however. There are several unusual ships on the water today that would surprise you. Take a look for yourself, below:

1. City St. Petersburg

The Japanese fishing and food processing company Kyokuyo developed a ship in 2010, with a completely new and aerodynamic hull shape design. Considered the world’s first SSS-Bowed ship, for its semi-spherical shaped bow, the ship’s design helps it reduce wind resistance by up to 50 per cent. About 140m long, with a mass of 21,000 tonnes, it’s a giant, and is capable of carrying more than 2,000 vehicles at a time.

2. MPI Adventure 

Designed to withstand any calamity at sea, the MPI Adventure is the world’s first purpose-built vessel for installing offshore wind turbines and related equipment. The ship uses its 2,000-horsepower engine to manoeuvre during operation. Its most distinctive feature is its limbs! The vessel can stand on six ‘legs’ and tower above sea level – the strategy helps it withstand water-related natural disasters.

3. Blue Marlin 

A formidable vessel, the Blue Marlin transports ships, oil platforms and other large facilities. It has an enormous lift or elevator that is capable of submerging itself into the water by up to 50 per cent, so that it’s easier to transport oil platforms, rigs and damaged warships. The ship is home to 38 cabins that can accommodate up to 60 people, along with a sauna.

Which unusual ships have you encountered? Play today’s Spell It and tell us at