Image for Article RAG
Rassal Ahmad, Founder & CEO, RAG Global Business Hub Image Credit: Supplied

Renowned market entry specialist, RAG Global Business Hub has recently announced its foray into offering specialized Gen Z customer intelligence advisory services.

Aiming to revolutionize the way brands understand and engage with target customers, RAG’s recent addition seeks to empower businesses to understand and engage with Generation Z consumers by providing valuable insights into their complex and evolving purchasing behavior.

Highlighting the current disconnect between brands and Gen Z consumers and their ever-growing purchasing power, RAG is looking forward to cementing its position as the foremost provider of specialized insights and strategic guidance for brands seeking to engage and captivate this influential audience. “Most brands fail to recognize that the level of homogeneity in Gen Z is limited. They are often complex, nuanced, and at times contradictory. In order to engage with them, it’s important to leverage data and extensive customer research, and tailor the right approach suited for a specific brand.” said Mohammad Nibras, COO & Head of Market Research at RAG Global Business Hub, highlighting the company’s motive behind the recent addition of Gen Z customer intelligence advisory in their services portfolio.

Combining cutting-edge research methodologies with deep expertise in consumer behavior, RAG Global Business Hub's Gen Z Customer Intelligence Advisory services will offer brands the knowledge and strategies required to build meaningful connections with this generation.

Until recently, across industries, marketers and brands were focused on understanding and targeting millennials, but now Gen Z is “the generation to watch”. With Generation Z set to shape the next decade globally, being the largest generational cohort in history, businesses need to understand their desires. This influential demographic represents over one-third of the global population and possesses a spending power of over $360 billion.

Even though UAE’s Gen Z demographic represents just above 20% of the country’s population, it's crucial to pivot focus on capturing this growing market. At a time when the UAE’s overall consumer spending increased by 19% in the last quarter, with record-breaking spending in sectors like real estate, it is worth noting that, total teen spending power in the country stood at par with 4.1 bn AED per year.

By leveraging comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data analysis, trend monitoring, and social listening, RAG’s comprehensive customer intelligence advisory services will position brands to gain a competitive edge in developing targeted marketing campaigns, innovative product offerings, and captivating customer experiences that resonate with the unique characteristics of Generation Z.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, comprehending the distinct dynamics of target customers is becoming more and more imperative for brands seeking sustained growth. With RAG Global Business Hub's innovative Gen Z Customer Intelligence Advisory, brands will discover an invaluable partner in decoding the complexities of understanding their customer base and unlocking its fullest potential.

The inclusion of Gen Z customer intelligence advisory in RAG's services portfolio demonstrates its commitment to supporting UAE’s leading brands and also those seeking to establish a presence in the UAE. The company has been working with top domestic and international companies offering cutting-edge research to help them gain deep insights into their target markets and customers.

Contact RAG Global for more information