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Donate blood: Here are the benefits, help bust the myths

UAE doctors bust myths about blood donation, know the precautions to take

Dr Doaa Elwasly (lef) and Dr Kirti Mohan Marya.
Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: On the occasion of the World Donor Day observed on June 14, two doctors in the UAE have cleared common misconceptions about blood donation and explained who can donate, what precautions need to be taken and what are the benefits of this noble service.

Blood donation is considered as the noblest act a healthy adult can perform. It can save lives and provide numerous benefits to both donors and recipients.


However, there are also some misconceptions and precautions associated with blood donation that need to be addressed, according to Dr. Doaa Elwasly, internal medicine specialist, Medcare Medical Centre, Al Barsha and Dr. Kirti Mohan Marya, group medical director and chief orthopaedic surgeon, Life Healthcare Group.

Any healthy individual between 18 to 65 years fulfilling other donation eligibility criteria can donate blood, said Dr. Doaa Elwasly, internal medicine specialist, Medcare Medical Centre.
Image Credit: Supplied

Who can donate blood?

Any healthy individual between 18 to 65 years fulfilling other donation eligibility criteria can donate blood, said Dr Elwasly.

The other criteria stipulate that donors: should not be on certain medicines, should not have certain infections, should not have recently undergone recent surgeries or had certain “high-risk” behaviours, such as getting a tattoo.

“All these are important to make sure that the person getting the blood won’t be harmed from the donated blood. To check that you meet all of the conditions for giving blood, a trained medical staff will ask you questions and make sure that you are healthy enough to donate,” said Dr Elwasly.

In Dubai, only residents with a valid Emirates ID or GCC-ID can donate blood.

You should not weigh less than 50 kg. If your age is between 18 to 21 years, your weight should be 55 kg or above. Pregnant and lactating women are not eligible to donate blood. Travel history of donors is also looked into to ward off the threat of certain infectious diseases such as Malaria.


“Rarely, some people can feel weak or may pass out after blood donation. To help prevent this, donors should drink water before giving blood,” said Dr Elwasly.

What are the benefits?

Explaining the benefits of blood donation, Dr Marya said: “Apart from saving lives, it can help donors with insights into their health status during the screening. Regular blood donation stimulates the body to produce new blood cells, leading to the replenishment of iron stores. This process can help maintain overall good health. It also reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases.”

Dr Elwasly said regular blood donors can even skip the gym after donation as a study by the University of San Diego found that donating one pint of blood “burns” between 600 and 650 calories. “Being a regular donor, you can be part of a greater community,” she highlighted.

Common misconceptions

Explaining the common myths and misconceptions about blood donation, Dr Marya listed the following.

Weakness and health issues:


A common misconception is that donating blood leads to weakness or health problems. In reality, the human body is capable of replenishing the donated blood within a short period, usually within 24-48 hours. Donors are advised to rest, hydrate, and eat nutritious meals after donation.

Weight gain or loss:

Some individuals believe that blood donation can cause weight gain or loss. However, blood volume is quickly replaced by the body, so any temporary change in weight is negligible.

Needle size and pain:

Some individuals may fear the pain associated with needle insertion during blood donation. However, modern techniques and smaller-gauge needles have made the process relatively painless for most donors. The discomfort experienced is typically minimal and short-lived.


Infection transmission: There is a misconception that donating blood puts donors at risk of contracting infections or diseases. In reality, blood donation centres follow strict protocols to ensure the safety of donors and recipients. Sterile, disposable equipment is used for each donation, greatly reducing the risk of infection transmission.

Donor eligibility:

Some people wrongly believe they are ineligible to donate blood due to factors such as age, medical conditions, or medications they take. While certain health conditions or medications may temporarily or permanently defer individuals from donating, many individuals can still qualify as eligible donors. It is important to check the specific eligibility criteria provided by blood donation centers.

Post-donation care:

“After donating blood, donors should take care of themselves. They should drink plenty of fluids to replenish lost volume, avoid strenuous physical activity, and refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol for a few hours,” said Dr Marya.


“Most people need to wait at least eight weeks before they are allowed to donate blood again. Some people take extra iron to help them make more blood,” added Dr Elwasly.

Image Credit: DHA " Dubai Health Authority

How to donate blood in Dubai?

  • Download the DHA app
  • Click on DAMMI - Blood Donation
  • Click on Donate Blood Today
  • Fill out the questionnaire
  • Scan the QR code after submitting the questionnaire
  • Visit the Dubai Blood Donation Centre to complete the procedures for donating blood

Dr. Doaa Elwasly, internal medicine specialist, Medcare Medical Centre, Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE.

Dr. Kirti Mohan Marya, group medical director and chief orthopaedic surgeon, Life Healthcare Group, UAE.

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