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Today, the public sector uses advanced technologies to reshape how governments interact with citizens and residents, how ministries are run, and even the way a country functions. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) stands out amongst the various digital tools used by governments as one of the most significant technology advances that has the potential to revolutionise people engagement and participation.

By offering personalised services, improving accessibility, and facilitating meaningful interactions between governments and citizens, generative AI can empower individuals and even strengthen the bond between governments and people. Through the creation of tailor-made information and solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual, public services can realise new levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

For example, basic chatbots have become increasingly integrated into government services. Chatbot technology has been around for a while, and they can work well to provide task-oriented and rule-based answers to specific prompts, but their usefulness could be limited. Generative and conversational AI-driven chatbots, however, take a step beyond predefined rules, with a much greater ability to understand the user’s request with human-like comprehension, and the ability to deliver far more intelligent and personalised responses to enquiries. The use of generative AI chatbots can ensure that each individual receives specific and relevant information that addresses their issues.

These intelligent and intuitive systems can analyse previous interactions with the user and look in detail at their data while creating their responses, meaning they can give in-depth and personalised responses based on the individual circumstances. In areas like healthcare and social services, this ability to securely access the right information from a person’s medical records or case history, and to create an accurate, relevant and detailed response, is a vital part of why generative AI is so important to government services. Generative AI assistants and chatbots are also able to understand individual preferences, creating better quality interactions and bridging the gap between people and public institutions, making government services more accessible and user-friendly.

AI’s ability to analyse vast amounts of data and identify patterns goes well beyond personalisation. It also acts as invaluable tool for policy planning by way of predictive analytics, which help governments anticipate future needs and challenges, allowing for proactive and informed decision-making.

- Thomas Pramotedham, CEO of Presight

What that looks like in practice is AI analysing demographic trends, economic data, and social indicators to predict the impact of proposed policies. This can help policymakers design initiatives that are more effective and impactful.

Effective governance, of course, relies heavily on understanding the needs and concerns of people at large. Generative AI can facilitate real-time feedback mechanisms that allow governments to gauge public sentiment and gather insights quickly and efficiently. Through AI-powered platforms – which process and analyse large volumes of data in real time, identifying trends and patterns – people can voice their opinions, report issues, and provide feedback on public services. Social media monitoring tools powered by generative AI, for example, can track public sentiment regarding new policies or initiatives, providing governments with valuable insights into how these are being received by the public.

Additionally, generative AI can help in organising and prioritising user feedback, ensuring that the most pressing issues are addressed promptly. This real-time responsiveness is another significant step in improving the relationship between people and authorities, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration.

Generative AI can play a crucial role in making government services more accessible to all, including those with disabilities, and even breaking down language barriers. AI-driven language processing technologies can support multiple languages and dialects, delivering real-time translation services for people who speak different languages – quite a common occurrence across many of the world’s ethnically diverse, cultural melting pot cities. Text-to-speech and voice-activated services improve accessibility ensuring that all people, regardless of their circumstances, can engage with and benefit from government services while promoting inclusivity.

As country leaders continue to embrace digital transformation, the integration of generative AI in citizen-centric services will be crucial in building more inclusive and responsive, societies. By harnessing the power of generative AI, we can create a future where every citizen is empowered to actively participate in shaping their communities and their governments.

The writer is the CEO of Presight